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Eastern Illinois University

EIU Instructional Design

Assessment inventory template

To assist faculty in designing comprehensive and effective assessment strategies, FDIC curated an assessment inventory table based on Jay McTighe and Steve Ferrara's work in Assessing student learning by design : principles and practices for teachers and school leaders. This tool provides a structured approach to planning and organizing your course assessments, ensuring alignment with learning objectives and best practices in assessment.

The assessment inventory table allows faculty to:

1. Map out all assessments for your course
2. Align each assessment with principles of effective assessment
3. Clarify the purpose, audience, and desired learning outcomes for each assessment
4. Specify assessment and evaluation methods
5. Plan feedback mechanisms for learners

By completing this inventory, faculty gain a bird's-eye view of their course's assessment strategy, helping them identify any gaps or redundancies and ensure a balanced, comprehensive approach to assess learning.

To access this planning tool, click download the Assessment Inventory Table [Word] document. The document includes instructions on how to complete each column of the table.


McTighe, J., Ferrara, S., & Brookhart, S. M. (2021). Assessing student learning by design : principles and practices for teachers and school leaders. Teachers

College Press.

The written information and resources are developed or curated by the 

Faculty Development and Innovation Center

Contact the FDIC:
Phone Number: (217) 581-7051

The FDIC can be contacted for instructional design related questions or to schedule a consultation appointment. The FDIC staff can recommend instructional design strategies for your online, hybrid, and face-to-face courses.

Last updated: December 12, 2024


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