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EIU Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Program

Prior Learning Portfolio

Welcome to the BA in Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Program! Our program is dedicated to helping you fulfill that dream of earning a college education!

As part of that dedication, our program offers a unique opportunity for earning college credit for knowledge learned outside of the traditional classroom setting. Let's be clear, though. Credit is granted for college level knowledge, knowledge that you've never been given credit for before.

So what is college level knowledge? How do you know that the knowledge you have would be considered college level? Well, the truth is you don't know for sure. Only the evaluators can truly access what you know, via the portfolio, and compare it to college coursework offered here at EIU. While some students find this to be a very time consuming process, many feel it is well worth the time and effort. This is sometimes a faster way to earn college credits that count towards your degree. Our office will help you facilitate the process of submitting a portfolio for evaluation.

There are several steps to the portfolio process. Here is a brief glimpse:

  1. Once admitted to the Interdisciplinary Studies program, let your advisor know you're interested in the portfolio process. Your advisor will put you in touch with the Interdisciplinary Studies Portfolio Administrator, who will then start the process with you.
  2. Enroll in the portfolio class, IDS 3001.
  3. After completion of the class, and in consultation with the Interdisciplinary Studies Portfolio Administrator, you can submit your portfolio(s) for evaluation to the Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Program.
  4. The Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Program office will send your portfolio(s) out for evaluation.

Portfolio Fees

There are expenses involved in offering a quality experiential learning portfolio. These expenses include copying, postage, and evaluation fees, as well as the time commitment on the part of the Interdisciplinary Studies degree program.

Students choosing to develop a prior learning portfolio will be charged the fees listed below, for each prior learning portfolio submitted. Please note that regardless of the evaluation outcome, students will be responsible for all associated fees.

  • Portfolio Evaluation Fee: $100
  • Course Credit Fee: $400

All of the above steps will be outlined for you once you're admitted to the Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Program.

Please continue learning about the portfolio process by choosing options from the site menu. If you have any questions, please contact Kim Redfern at or 217-581-5618.

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Contact Information

BA in Interdisciplinary Studies

Charleston Office

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