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EIU Department of Employment and Examinations

Civil Service Hiring Process

Public universities in Illinois are required to classify non-administrative/professional staff employees according to established Civil Service categories. All staff jobs, except those which are administrative/professional in nature are classified as Civil Service and are subject to the State Universities Civil Service Statute and Rules.

The Office of Employment and Examinations assists departments in hiring civil service and civil service temporary extra help employees.

Civil Service Hiring Process (not extra help)

1. Establish and Fund a Position

  1. The manager’s first conversation should be with the classification and compensation manager at 581-3816. At this conversation, you will need to provide a job description for the position you want to create/fill. If you are filling a vacancy for a position you already have, you need to make sure the position has not changed and you still have the correct civil service classification. If this is a new position, you need to work with the manager to determine the correct classification based on your job description. This conversation will also address salary concerns.
  2. Once the salary is determined, you can decide if your budget will support the new position. You may need to discuss this with the Budget Office or your vice president.
  3. Complete and submit the personnel authorization request (PAR).

2. Work with the Employment Office

  1. Your next conversation should be with the Office of Employment. If the position is one for which there is already a listing of qualified applicants on the register, the Office of Employment can immediately begin contacting those applicants and schedule interviews for you. If the position is NOT one for which we already have a listing of qualified applicants, we need to work together to develop a plan to recruit and test applicants.
  2. Refer to EIU's Internal Governing Policy–Employment and Recruitment Procedures for Civil Service Positions.
  3. Your contact in the Office of Employment will schedule interviews, provide applicant information, notify your selection, and notify those you did not select. It is YOUR responsibility to contact employment or personal references as part of your interview. Please see our interview guide for more information.
  4. If this is a position requiring a criminal background investigation or a physical examination, we will also schedule that for the employee. These must be completed before your new employee should begin work.

Helpful Checklists

Temporary Extra Help Civil Service Hiring Process

Following are the steps involved in the hiring process:

For more information, refer to Extra Help Guide for Managers.

  1. Establish and Fund a Position

    • The position number begins with a 'T'. If you do not already have a position established for civil service temporary extra help, you will need to complete a PAR form. If the position has already been established, check to make sure that enough money is budgeted on the position for the temporary extra help employee. You can determine how much money is available on the extra help position by consulting your budget, which is distributed monthly to deans and directors, or by contacting the Budget Office, Room 1031 Old Main, 581-3428. If you need to increase the funding budgeted on the position, complete a budget transfer form. To determine how much money you will need for the temporary extra help position, multiply the number of hours the employee will work during the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) by the hourly salary. To determine what the hourly salary will be, go to the next step.
  2. Determine the Civil Service Classification
    • Once you have decided what duties the temporary extra help employee will need to complete, the appropriate civil service job classification must be determined. Contact Human Resources, Room 2010, Old Main, 217-581-3816, for the proper extra help classification title. At this time, you will be given the required hourly salary for the employee. If there is not enough money budgeted on the position, complete a budget transfer form to move funds from a reserve to the temporary extra help position. If you do not have a reserve account, contact your dean or director who will need to transfer the funds to the temporary extra help position.
  3. Selecting an Employee
    • When you are ready to hire an individual for the temporary extra help position, contact the Department of Human Resources, Employment Office, 217-581-3911. That office will send you names of people on the extra help list which you may interview.
  4. Background Investigations for "Positions of Trust"

    • Background investigations shall be conducted as part of the selection process for all employees hired into "positions of trust". For a listing of those positions, refer to the Internal Governing Policy entitled "Background Investigations for Positions of Trust."

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Contact Information

EIU Employment

Old Main Room 2020
Fax: 217-581-3614

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