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EIU Department of Classification and Compensation

Salary Administration Plan

EIU Civil Service Salary Administration Plan (Effective 9/15/14)


The salary structure consists of pay grades with open ranges (with minimums and maximums). Each classification is assigned to a specific pay grade.

Pay Actions

Status Employees

Extra-Help Appointments


The following are definitions of terms as they relate to this plan:

  1. Acceptable Level of Competence

    An acceptable level of competence (“meets standards”) is the satisfactory performance of the essential duties of the position. The following factors shall be considered: quantity and quality of work, professional and technical knowledge, manual/physical skills, reliability, cooperation, acceptance of responsibility, initiative, etc.

  2. Across-The-Board Increase

    A salary increase in which all employees in a designated group receive an equal percentage or dollar amount within-grade increase to their base pay.

  3. Base Pay

    The dollar amount of salary or wages paid for a job performed under standard hours and conditions. Base pay does not include overtime pay, shift differential or other types of premium pay, or deductions for time not worked.

  4. Call-Back Pay

    A minimum payment made to an employee who is called in to work before or back to work after the employee’s regularly scheduled hours. Call-back does not apply in the case of a pre-assigned adjusted work schedule.

  5. Classification

    Positions that are similar in duties and responsibilities and require similar employment standards (education and experience) comprise a classification of employees. Each position has been assigned the same job title and is filled by the same tests of ability through civil service examinations.

  6. Comparable Classifications

    Two or more classifications are comparable if they are assigned to the same pay grade within the same salary schedule, or are associated with different schedules, and have been determined by Human Resources to have similar levels of responsibilities, job value and employment standards.

  7. Demotion

    A demotion is the appointment of an employee to a position in a classification in a lower pay grade within the same salary schedule, or to a position in a classification that is associated with a different schedule and has been determined by the Department of Human Resources to have less responsibility, job value and employment standards than the classification previously held by the employee.

  8. Desk Audit

    A review of the duties being performed in a position.

  9. Equity Adjustment

    An adjustment made to an employee's base salary for equitable internal alignment of relative salaries.

  10. Lateral Transfer

    The appointment of an employee to a position in a classification in the same pay grade within the same salary schedule, or to a position in a classification that is associated with a different schedule and which has been determined by The Department Human Resources to have comparable responsibility, job value and employment standards as the classification previously held by the employee.

  11. Lump Sum Adjustment

    A one-time payment made to an employee that does not permanently increase base salary.

  12. Market Adjustment

    Salary adjustment made to an individual employee's salary, classification or group of classifications for competitiveness with the outside labor market.

  13. Merit Pay

    An adjustment made to an employee's salary based on performance assessment.

  14. Overtime

    Time worked in excess of the number of work hours comprising a full-time daily or weekly work schedule. All overtime must be assigned and approved by the supervisor before it is worked.

  15. Part Time Employee

    A status employee whose standard work week is less than 37.5 hours per week.

  16. Pay Grade

    Pay level assigned to one or more classifications.

  17. Pay Range

    Distance between minimum and maximum rates of pay that are set for the pay grade to which the classification has been assigned.

  18. Premium

    Payment made over and above base salary for working certain schedules (e.g. night shift) or for performing unusual (e.g. hazardous) duties.

  19. Promotion

    Appointment of an employee to a position in a classification in a higher pay grade within the same salary schedule, or to a position in a classification that is associated with a different salary schedule and has been determined by the Department of Human Resources to have higher responsibility, job value and employment standards than the classification previously held by the employee.

  20. Reallocation

    A change in classification of an existing position to another classification outside the current promotional line (related classification series).

  21. Reassignment

    An employee transfer from one position to another in the same classification.

  22. Reclassification

    A change in classification of an existing position to another classification within the current promotional line.

  23. Salary Schedule

    A listing of all classifications assigned to each pay grade along with the associated pay ranges of each grade.

  24. Stipend

    Compensation paid for performance of higher-level job duties performed in addition to an employee's normal duties and made necessary due to a long-term vacancy or special project. A stipend is not used when an employee is eligible for the temporary upgrade procedure (performance of duties exclusive of normal duties).

  25. Temporary Upgrade

    Assignment of work applicable to a position of higher pay rate or range for no more than 30 consecutive work days.

  26. Within-Grade Increase
    1. Across-the-board
    2. Merit
    3. Within-grade market or equity adjustment
  27. Position Description Date

The date that the position description form is signed by the department head. Except for extenuation circumstances approved by the Director of Human Resources. The department head shall sign and date the position description within ten work days of receipt of employee. 


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Classification and Compensation

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Fax: 217-581-3614

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