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EIU Historia

Call for Papers

The call for papers for Historia is typically issued at the beginning of each spring semester. Papers are accepted from both undergraduate and graduate students at Eastern Illinois University. Paper topics vary from all areas of historical research. Interested parties should refer to the current call for papers and the style sheet (details below) when planning to submit their paper.

If you have written a history paper, or reviewed a book, movie, or article, please consider submitting your work.

All papers should include a title page with: 
A paper title, your full name, email address and phone number, and for which instructor and class the paper was written. 
Please submit your work electronically by e-mail to Dr. Edmund Wehrle at


Style Sheet

  • All text in Times New Roman 
  • All text in 12 point font
  • Ellipsis (...) only in middle of quotes. Do not begin or end quotes with ellipsis as we know that the quote begins earlier and goes on.
  • Double space all text, even if it is a block quote (we'll return to single space before printing).
  • Block quotes if longer than 3 lines. Double indent these blocks (e.g, indent from left only).
  • All text needs to be left justified.
  • Do not include a bibliography.
  • Do not include headers or footers.
  • Include page numbers, but no p. or pp.
  • Use italics rather than underlining.
  • Do not use single quotes unless within another quote. 
  • Use footnotes according to Kate L.Turabian, A Manual for Writers. Twenty copies are available at Booth stacks, call number LB2369.T8 1996. (or contact co-editors for assistance). 
  • Shorten second and successive citations of same source with author’s name, short title, and page number only.
  • Ibid., 22. (not italicized, with period) 
  • Write out numbers one to ten, then use Arabic numerals (11,12, 13-25) second number in series use Arabic numerals (135-45) But years 1520-27; and 1960s, not 1960's.


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