
Eastern Illinois University defines its hazing policy within the Student Conduct Code.
Hazing is prohibited. Any solicitation to engage in hazing is prohibited. Aiding and
abetting another person who is engaged in hazing is prohibited. All students, faculty
and staff must take reasonable measures within the scope of their individual authority
to prevent violations of this policy. It is not a defense to a violation of this policy
that the hazing victim consented to or acquiesced in the hazing activity. Violations
of this policy or interference in an investigation under this policy by students or
student organizations are subject to sanctions under the Student Conduct Code. Any
university employee who knowingly permitted, authorized or condoned hazing activity
is subject to disciplinary action by the university. |
Report violations of this policy by students or student organizations to the Dean
of Students Office. Violations of this policy by faculty or staff are subject to discipline
in accordance with Office of Civil Rights and Diversity and university policies and
procedures governing employee misconduct. Report violations by faculty or staff in
writing to the Dean of Students Office. If the university receives a report or complaint
of hazing involving physical injury, threats of physical injury, intimidation, harassment
or property damage, or other conduct that appears to violate Illinois law, the university
will report such conduct to the appropriate law enforcement agency and conduct its
own investigation. |
Hazing is any act or situation on or off campus, initiated, planned, sanctioned, or
joined in by one or more persons associated with an athletic team or student organization,
causing embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule to, or which involves participation
in a Code violation or an illegal act by, or which causes or places in danger of causing
physical or mental harm to, any member or any student affiliated with the organization. |