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EIU Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

RCR training is required of any EIU faculty member or staff member who applies for federal funding of a research project.

  •  The requirement applies to anyone who is included as a PI, co-PI, or other senior personnel as described in the proposal.
  •  The requirement applies whether the funding will come to EIU directly from a federal agency or as flow-through money from another entity.
  •  The training must be completed before the application is submitted to the funding agency.


The online training program can be found here:

CITI Program – RCR Course

Note: Please choose one of the following CITI RCR courses appropriate (or closely similar) to your research activities:

Biomedical Responsible Conduct of Research Course
Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research Course
Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research Course
Humanities Responsible Conduct of Research Course

More information for first-time users can be found here:

CITI Program -- Registration Tutorial for New Users


NOTE: Students and post-docs who participate in projects funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) must also complete The CITI Program RCR training course.

CITI Program – RCR Course

Also, PIs and students working on an NSF project should choose an article or case study found here.  The PI and the student will then discuss the article and complete the form below.  The discussion and form must be completed by the middle of the first semester of work on the project by the student or postdoc.  Verification will be completed by the Director of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs by signing the form and placing it in a file specific to the NSF-funded project.

NSF PI/Student Discussion Form (.pdf)


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Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)

1102 Blair Hall

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