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EIU Graduate School

Thesis and Research

The following will provide more information about your master's thesis and related research.

Please refer to the Thesis Manual for general information and guidance on pursuing the research, production, and writing of a master's thesis.

Master's Thesis Manual

If your thesis involves researching human subjects please refer to these guidelines.

Guidelines For Human Subjects Research

If your thesis involves researching animal subjects please refer to these guidelines.

Guidelines for Animal Subjects Research

Preserving, reproducing, and distributing thesis research is an important part of Booth Library’s responsibility to provide access to scholarship. In order to further this goal, Booth Library makes all graduate theses completed as part of a degree program at Eastern Illinois University available for personal study, research, and other not-for-profit educational purposes. Under 17 U.S.C. § 108, the library may reproduce and distribute a copy without infringing on copyright; however, professional courtesy dictates that permission be requested from the author before doing so. 


In some cases, the master’s thesis might result in marketable intellectual property or may be part of a larger funded or unfunded project leading to publications including articles, books, or related scholarly work. In these cases, the candidate or the director may require that the work be temporarily withheld from open access until these processes are initiated. In order to have the graduate degree certified to the transcript, the approved thesis must be deposited with Booth Library and the request to embargo the thesis may be noted during the deposit process.


Upload your complete thesis to Booth Library's repository, The Keep, using your EIU netID and password. There is a $25 processing fee.  If you want bound copies for yourself, you may order those from:

The Keep

Upon deposit of your thesis to Booth Library the librarian will submit an online notice to the Graduate School notifying the certification officer who will record the completion of your thesis for your degree requirements. You will receive a confirmation email from the certification officer.


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Contact Information

The Graduate School

1201 Blair Hall
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6020

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