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EIU Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate Committees: 2024 - 2025

Executive Committee: Todd Bruns (Chair), Jeff Stowell (Vice-Chair), Nichole Mulvey (Recorder)

  • Meet monthly with the President and Provost of the University.
  • Shall be as described in Robert’s Rules of Order.
    • Chair duties: Conduct Faculty Senate meetings; serve on CUPB and one CUPB subcommittee; Conduct Shared Governance Chairs monthly meeting (CAA/CFR/COTE/CGS/Staff Senate/Student Senate); Update Faculty Senate webpages.
    • Vice-Chair duties: Serve as Elections committee chair; organize and run Faculty Senate Spring election and if needed Fall special election.
    • Recorder duties: Take minutes at Faculty Senate meetings; Send out meeting reminders and announcements to faculty body.

Awards Committee: Steve Scher (Chair), Md Farhadur Reza, Anne Thibault Geen

  • Administer the annual Faculty Senate awards

Budget Transparency Committee: Grant Sterling (Chair), Barbara Carlsward, Isaac Slaven

  • Investigate and solicit information for better understanding of university budgets and planning

Elections & Appointments Committee: Jeff Stowell (Chair), Steve Brantley, Jeanne Okrasinski

  • Solicit faculty members willing to be appointed to various committees and boards on campus
  • Make appointments to all university committees and boards
  • Solicit faculty members willing to run for election to university committees and boards
  • Serve as liaison between Faculty Senate and all other university committees and boards
  • Conduct all faculty elections
  • Determine procedures to fill vacancies on Faculty Senate committees and boards

Faculty Forum Committee: Anne Thibault Geen (Chair), Matthew Inverso, Anna Kochigina, Md Farhadur Reza

  • Host a periodic forum dedicated to a current issue affecting the campus

Student & Staff Relations Committee: Brad Decker (Chair), Todd Bruns, Anna Kochigina

  • Work in conjunction with the Staff Senate and Student Senate
  • Monitor and coordinate efforts on issues that affect faculty, staff, and students

Parliamentarian: Steve Scher

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Contact Information

Faculty Senate

Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920

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