Introduction to and overview of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process. Seeks to develop an understanding of the role of the entrepreneur and new venture creation from a local/national/international perspective. Overview of the major functions of business as they relate to entrepreneurship. Prerequisite: Completion of 45 semester hours.
*MGT 4320 Small Business and Entrepreneurship may be substituted for ENT 3300
A systematic exploration of market opportunities from an entrepreneurial perspective, including idea generation, development, and market launch. Content includes: domestic and foreign product development, legal considerations, market segmentation and analysis, and the evaluation of competition. Long-term marketing strategy is communicated through the marketing section of a venture plan. Prerequisite: ENT 3300 and enrollment in the Entrepreneurship Minor.
A study of financial and legal issues related to financing entrepreneurial ventures. Topics include sources of financing, working with attorneys and accountants, legal aspects of reducing owners' risk, fundamentals of financial statement analysis, and analyzing and developing the financial section of a venture plan. Prerequisite: ENT 3300 and enrollment in the Entrepreneurship Minor.
An exploration and application of the venture development and operations process including start-up issues; organizing, planning, and launching the venture; management of people and growth; and other entrepreneurial challenges are explored. Course culminates in development and presentation of a venture plan. Prerequisite: ENT 3500 and ENT 3700 and enrollment in the Entrepreneurship Minor.
FallSemester |
SpringSemester |
Junior Year
ENT 3300
ENT 3500
Senior Year
ENT 3700 |
ENT 4500 |
SpringSemester |
FallSemester |
Junior Year |
ENT 3300 |
ENT 3700 |
Senior Year |
ENT 3500 |
ENT 4500 |
All students in the Entrepreneurship Minor will complete four core courses (12 semester hours) designed to develop fundamental knowledge and skills needed to launch and maintain new ventures.
To complete the Entrepreneurship Minor, students take two additional courses (6 semester hours) approved as electives for the entrepreneurship minor. Students are strongly encouraged to have an internship as one of the two ENT electives.
Eastern Illinois University
School of Business
4002 Lumpkin Hall
Charleston, IL 61920