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EIU Counseling Clinic

Emotional Support Animals

The EIU Counseling Clinic does not formally prescribe emotional support animals (ESA), make final ESA determinations, nor does the EIU Counseling Clinic accept new clients who are solely looking for an ESA. Students solely seeking an ESA recommendation will be encouraged to seek recommendations from current or past off-campus service providers/clinicians.  If the student does not have a past or current clinician available to make an ESA recommendation, they should seek appropriate counseling services off campus necessary to acquire an ESA recommendation. Additionally, it is not ethical for counselors to write ESA letters or complete paperwork simply to allow clients to bring pets to non-pet friendly housing and override animal restrictions. 

According to Federal Legislation under the Fair Housing Act and Americans with Disabilities Act an ESA is “an accommodations for people with a disabling mental health condition” and diagnosis. Counselors also need to take into consideration the extent of the student's mental health condition, if an animal could reduce or eliminate one or more symptoms, and if the student would have increased functioning as a direct result of having an ESA. According to American Counseling Associate, an ESA may not take the place of mental health care. Counselors should consider if having an ESA would enable the student and prevent use of skills, ultimately prolonging mental health-related symptoms or worsening them. Counselors must weigh the risks against the benefits and consider potential ethical and legal liability in the event an ESA is challenged, misrepresented, or an incident occurs.  

When completing necessary forms for the OAA or for off-campus landlords, counselors are to explore with student their responsibilities and expectations of having an ESA on campus including: 

  • What reasons does the student give for needing an ESA?  
  • What symptoms would an ESA mitigate for the student?  
  • How would having an ESA increase client functioning?   
  • What is the extent of the student's relationship with the animal?  
  • Does the student have the ability, desire and finical funds to provide ongoing care for the animal (i.e. Vet bills, vaccinations, food, toys)?  
  • Does student have a place for animal while they are not on campus? (Can the animal go home with them while on breaks?)  

The following steps need to be taken for the EIU Counseling Clinic to complete ESA paperwork: 

  • The student must have an established relationship with their counselor and involved in counseling services 
  • The student has attended at least 3 sessions with their counselor, not including the initial consultation and group counseling sessions 
  • If a student is requesting an ESA for on-campus housing, the student has contacted the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations (OAA) and they are aware of the request.  
  • The counselor should obtain an Authorization to Exchange Information to the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations (OAA) if they have a current client who they feel would benefit from an ESA.  
  • All counselors should staff and seek approval from Associate Director of Counseling Clinic prior to filling out ESA paperwork and turning into OAA or to landlord. 
  • Paperwork should be limited to the student's needs based on clinical impressions and patient self-report. Any limitations to the counselor's evaluation of an ESA should be documented in paperwork. 


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Counseling Clinic

Human Services Bldg. 1st Floor
217-581-3413 Monday - Friday
1-866-567-2400 After Hours Emergency Number

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