Let's get your graduate's EIU alumni experience started off on the right foot.
Start your graduate’s EIU Alumni collection with apparel or novelties from the EIU Bookstore.
Order your new graduate a grad pack, commemorative brick, graduation message, or all of the above here:
The Grad Pack includes a one-year membership in the EIU Alumni Association (1/2 regular price), along with a nylon sports bag, a membership card, national discount on travel and entertainment, 10% discount at the EIU bookstore, a choice between a chrome EIU license plate frame or EIU alumni T-shirt. Grad Packs also support future Panther scholarships and campus initiatives.
Includes an Alumni Association Grad Pack and an engraved brick in the Commemorative Courtyard. Your graduate’s personalized brick will be permanently displayed in EIU’s Commemorative Courtyard near the Library Quad, leaving an enduring impression for current and future generations of our growing EIU family. Plus, $65 of your investment can be designated to support the scholarship, college, department or program of your choice. Bricks will be installed before the Spring Commencement Ceremony if ordered by April 11, 2025.
Display a photo and message for your graduate to be showed on the video board in Lantz Arena during commencement day. Messages will be scrolling in between ceremonies. Your investment will be designated to support the scholarship, college, department or program of your choice. Please submit graduation messages by May 5, 2025.
Get the EIU Alumni Association Grad Pack, Commemorative Courtyard Brick and display a message to your graduate on commencement day.
Groniger Arena
March 26, 2025