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EIU Campus Recreation

EIU Campus Recreation

Graduate Assistantships 


Graduate Assistant for Facility Operation and Programming (4)

Campus Recreation has filled all GA positions for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year.

Responsibilities: This position offers the opportunity to gain experience in all aspects of facility operation. Graduate Assistants assist with training, scheduling and supervising the student facility staff, supervise the SRC during evenings and weekends in the absence of professional staff, and administer daily programming and memberships in the SRC. All graduate assistants function as members of the professional staff and also participate in meetings, assist with policy and procedure revision, distribution and administration, and provide suggestions and feedback as part of the team. Each position is responsible for an additional task to be assigned based on the qualifications and experience the individual brings to the position. Possible areas of interest to be considered: marketing and technology, facility scheduling, student employment administration, and equipment maintenance.

Qualifications: Undergraduate experience in a university recreation facility; leadership position in a university recreation environment preferred; experience with ActiveNet or similar facility management software preferred; knowledge of employee scheduling and management preferred.  Experience in aquatic staff management, equipment maintenance, inventory management, and student employee supervision highly encouraged.

Graduate Assistant for Group Fitness and Facility Operation (1)

Campus Recreation has filled all GA positions for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year.

Responsibilities: This position offers the opportunity to gain experience in all aspects of facility supervision and group fitness programming. The graduate assistant will assist with training, scheduling and supervising the student facility staff, supervise the SRC during evenings and weekends in the absence of professional staff, and administer daily programming and memberships in the SRC. All graduate assistants also participate in meetings, assist with policy and procedure revision, distribution and administration, and provide suggestions and feedback to the professional staff. This position will also be responsible for the administration of the Group Fitness Program, which includes scheduling classes, training and supervising instructors, maintaining all equipment and programming areas, and supervising the Fitness Instructor Training program provided through Campus Recreation.

Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree required. Undergraduate experience in a university recreation facility required with a leadership position preferred. Experience teaching group fitness required with preference given to candidates who have supervised a Preference given to candidates with an interest in Campus Recreation as a career. Acceptance into a graduate program at EIU is required.

Stipend: $12,000 for 10 months; tuition waiver (in-state or out-of-state)

Dates of Appointment: August 1st – May 31st (**Preference given to those staying 2 years.) Student is responsible for university fees each semester.

Application Process: Please send cover letter, resume and references to Sarah Daugherty, Campus Recreation Director, Email:
If you have questions concerning these positions please direct them to Sarah Daugherty at or 217/581-2820.

EIU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.  

Graduate Assistantship for Intramural Sports (1)

Campus Recreation has filled all GA positions for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year.

Responsibilities: This position offers the opportunity to gain experience in all aspects of Intramural Sports supervision and programming.  The graduate assistant will assist with recruiting, hiring, training, scheduling and supervising the student sports officials and supervisor staff.  The graduate assistant will also participate in meetings, assist with policy and procedure revision, distribution and administration, and provide suggestions and feedback to the professional staff.  This position will also assist in budget development and administration, scheduling and monitoring sport activities, maintaining program statistics and sports equipment, assist with all sport related special events, and other duties as assigned.

Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree required. Undergraduate experience in a university recreation intramural sports program with leadership positions preferred.  Officiating experience at the university recreation level or state high school level with certifications preferred.  Previous experience with IMLeagues online scheduling is preferred. All candidates should have an interest in Campus Recreation – Intramural Sports as a career.  Acceptance into an EIU graduate program is required.

Stipend: $12,000 for 10 months including tuition wavier (in state or out of state)

Dates of Appointment:  August 1st – May 31st (GA position renewable through the 2023-2024 academic year based on first year’s performance).  Student is responsible for university’s general fees each semester. 

Application Process: Please email cover letter/application letter, resume, and three references to Kevin Linker, Intramural Sports Director, Email:
Applications accepted until the position is filled.

If you have questions concerning this position, contact Kevin Linker at or 217/581-7000. 

EIU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

What previous Graduate Assistants have to say about their experience with Campus Recreation at EIU:

  • What was the most impactful part of your time at Campus Recreation?
    • Definitely the staff (full-time, student staff and other graduate assistants)! We were like a family. You always had someone you could count on and it made going to work so enjoyable. I’ve lived so many places in my life, and Charleston, IL was definitely the smallest- but I can say the two years of grad school were two of the best years of my life and I couldn’t imagine having done it anywhere else. -Facility Operations, 2016-2018
    • I think the most impactful part of my time with Campus Recreation was the connections I made and the People I met, Working in Campus Recreation at EIU afforded me the opportunity to meet people from all over the country and the world. Creating these connections both personal and professional really helped me grow as a person and as a professional. I really grew up a lot during my 2 stints with EIU Campus Rec and it truly became a home away from home for me. -Paul, Facility Operations, Member Services, 2016-2021
    • The most impactful part of my time with EIU campus recreation was getting to work with a diverse group of students and coworkers. Being able to lead students from different backgrounds and different goals than my own allowed me to grow and develop my leadership style and help prepare me for my first professional position. -Peter, Facility Operations, 2020-2022
    • I started at Campus Rec my Sophomore year as a Group Exercise instructor, and worked my way up to a Graduate Assistant through Grad School. Campus Rec was my home away from home and the connections and relationships I was able to make in my time there was the most impactful. Not only did I grow as a person, but I grew in my career and was able to build great friendships along the way. -Madeline, Facility Operations, Group Fitness, 2014-2020
    • The most impactful part of my time at EIU Campus Recreation was the relationships I built with other graduate assistants, full-time staff, and student staff. Almost 4 years after I graduated from EIU, some of my closest friends are graduate assistants I worked with and spent time with for one or two years. Being around a group daily with similar interests allowed us to build strong bonds that have lasted for years. -Andrew, Facility Operations, 2017-2019
    • I learned many things at EIU, but I'd say the most helpful aspect regarding my career was the fact that we are not siloed off from learning about all areas. There is a very small amount of professional staff, and the graduate assistants are a big part of what makes the SRC work! We are able to work in facilities, fitness, memberships, marketing, custodial, intramurals, and aquatics and the professional staff will gladly help us learn how all of these departments are run at EIU. I was also greatly impacted by my conversations/learning from the professional staff and developed close relationships with my fellow graduate assistants, particularly those who were in the same Kinesiology field as me. -Brandon, Facility Operations, Member Services, 2011-2014
    • The friendships and bonds I made with my fellow GAs. The time spent learning, growing, and discovering who I wanted to become was priceless. -Lucas, 2015-2017
    • The most impactful part of my time at Campus Rec. was the comradery of the individuals I had the privilege to work with. "The Rec" became a 2nd family and the bond that was established 15-20 years ago continues to this day. When I look back at my time at EIU, the two things that always render the most with me are: 1) that is where I met my wife and we have grown a beautiful family together and 2) the amazing time I had while being part of the "Rec Family." -Mark, Facility Operations, 2002-2008
    • The awesome people that worked there when I was there! -Scott, Facility Operations, 2012-2014
  • How did your time at Campus Recreation help you after your graduated?
    • Being that this rec center has more graduate assistants than full time staff, we had so much opportunity to get experience in many different areas. This built my resume and really aided me in getting a job upon graduation. In a graduate assistantship at most schools, you’re limited to one departed or one to two projects. I got to do so much more than the average GA.
    • Working at EIU gave me the foundation to be able to handle anything that may be thrown at me in my day to day in my current position. From talking to other GA's from other programs across the current I believe we got a lot more hands on experience with the day to day operation of a facility at EIU. And this helped grow my problem solving skills and ability to think on my feet. I believe this has been very useful as I continue to work and grown within Campus Recreation. -Paul
    • The amount of responsibility that was given to me allowed me to hone professional skills that many graduate students do not have the opportunity of learning. The hands on experience proved to be instrumental in my successful transition from Graduate Assistant to Professional. -Peter
    • My experience at the EIU Campus Rec was the reason I was able to get hired in such a large role at the YMCA right out of college. My position as a Graduate Assistant helped me gain knowledge and skills that most college age students don’t experience until post graduation, which boosted my résumé significantly and allowed me to seek a more experienced job. -Madeline
    • After graduation, I went into commercial fitness for a short period, before transitioning to different customer service oriented roles. While I am not currently in the field, the customer service and leadership skills I developed while at EIU continue to impact my everyday life working with managers, customers, and other employees of my company. Whether or not you continue in the fitness and campus recreation industry, the traits you develop while at EIU will help your career. -Andrew
    • I was able to lean on my experiences at the SRC heavily in my first couple years as a professional in the field. Particularly when it came to supervising student staff and putting people first, which were values instilled on us during our first day of training. We've all got a story and it shapes us all differently and in ways we don't expect. Working with people who really do care about your well-being and success is another great way to keep people motivated, and I keep those values in mind as I've progressed through my career. -Brandon
    • Each and every day my position with Campus Recreation helped shape the leader I am today. Learning both in the classroom and at Campus Recreation is something I can't put a price tag or quantify, I'm grateful for my time at EIU and with everyone that I was able to work with at Campus Recreation. -Lucas
    • I had the opportunity to work all the shifts at the Rec. starting with cleaning the machines, working the front desk, manning the back desk, working security at after hour events, being offered a Buidling Coordinator (BC) position, and then ultimately a Graduate Assistant (GA) role.  If the Rec. taught me anything, it is that hard work and dedication does pay off and that if you love what you do, you'll never "work" a day in your life. -Mark
    • It gave me an insight to recreation center management from managing staff, to the software we used, and facility management/coordination. -Scott
  • Additional comments:
    • You will not regret coming to Eastern and working with the amazing people at the rec center!
    • EIU Campus Rec, Truly became my second Home. As an International Student, I do not think I would have had the same Experience in the United States without the People I met and worked alongside at Eastern. I could not recommend this experience enough to anyone who wishes to develop themselves both academically, professionally and personally. -Paul
    • The grind and hard work you put into your 2-year assistantship with EIU will more than payoff in the long run! -Peter
    • I loved my time at EIU Campus Rec and would recommend it to anyone going into the health and wellness field! -Madeline
    • I made the decision to attend EIU and be a graduate assistant in Campus Recreation, sight unseen. I grew up in a major metropolitan area, very different from Charleston, Illinois, but the decision to spend two years at EIU is one of the best decisions I’ve made. If you immerse yourself in the University, you won’t regret it. -Andrew
    • he GA experience at EIU is exactly what you make of it. You are encouraged to learn as much as you can in your short time here, and the experience is more than enough to prepare you for a field in higher education. -Brandon
    • Campus Recreation played a major part of my graduate studies, both with providing me with real life experience and lifelong friends. Campus Rec is so much more than just a place to go workout or play some sports, it's a way to bond with your fellow classmates as well as become more involved on campus. -Lucas
    • If I could go back in time, I would still choose EIU to complete my Graduate Assistantship! -Scott

About EIU: Eastern Illinois University is located in Charleston, IL, and has enrollment of 7500 students. Established in 1895, EIU is a comprehensive university with a broad curriculum including Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in business, arts, sciences, and humanities. EIU has a rich tradition of preparing students to accomplish their life goals through a great combination of quality academics and personal relationship. Consistently ranked in the top tier of Midwest colleges and universities in its class by U.S. News and World Report, Eastern is also one of The Princeton Review’s Best Midwestern Colleges. Eastern has earned its reputation by offering a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate programs taught by an experienced and caring faculty. In addition to reasonable tuition, fees, and room and board rates, Eastern offers a textbook rental system, saving the average student hundreds of dollars per semester. The attractive 320-acre campus has one of the lowest crime rates among all public universities in the state and nationwide. Student graduation and retention rates are well above state and national averages, and that success continues after students earn their degrees. Year after year Eastern ranks high in job placement, alumni satisfaction and employer satisfaction.

Campus Recreation: Campus Recreation is under the supervision of the Vice President of Student Affairs and shares use of many of the facilities with Kinesiology, Health Studies, Recreation Administration, and the Athletic Department. We provide programs that supplement the classroom experience and enrich the quality of campus life. These programs are supported through the required student service fee. All other participants, such as Faculty and Staff, pay a comparable membership fee to use the recreation services.

There are two primary program areas offered through Campus Recreation. Informal Recreation is the informal, unstructured use of recreational facilities via drop-in and reservations. Activities include, but are not limited to, basketball, swimming, weight lifting, racquetball, use of the fitness areas, tennis, group exercise, volleyball, badminton, and many more. Intramural Sports includes structured activities including 10 team sports, 5 racquet sports, and 20 special events with men’s, women’s, and co-rec divisions of competition.

The Facilities of Campus Recreation
Campus Recreation has both indoor and outdoor facilities available to meet the recreational needs of the campus.

  1. Student Recreation Center – The SRC is 70,500 ft2 and was built in 1991. It has 6 multipurpose gyms, three group fitness studios, 2 free weight areas, stationary bikes, treadmills, elliptical trainers, three lines of selectorize strength equipment, a LifeFitness resistance band circuit, jogging track, and a martial arts area. It also has 32 security cameras placed throughout the facility both inside and out.
  2. Intramural Fields – The IM fields include 4 softball diamonds and 4 soccer/flag football fields. All East fields are lighted for extended playing time.
  3. IM Pavilion – located at the IM fields, this pavilion includes IM storage, 10 picnic tables, and outdoor grill, sound system, and vending machines.
  4. Outdoor basketball and tennis – There are 16 outdoor basketball hoops and several outdoor tennis courts available for open use.
  5. Disc Golf Course – The 9-hole disc golf course begins at the campus pond and winds around behind the IM fields. It was completed in 2007.
  6. Padovan Pool – This 10,395 ft2 area is a shared use facility used by both academics and athletics. Campus Recreation offers open swim times in the evenings every day of the week and in the afternoons on the weekends. 
  7. Lantz Racquetball Courts – These courts are located on the South side of the Lantz Building. There are 5 courts (8675 ft2) that can house both racquetball and wallyball.










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Campus Recreation

Eastern Illinois University
Student Recreation Center
600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920

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