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EIU Business Office


FY16 Year-End Information

Please review the year-end timeline below for dates that may affect your department/area. These are the final dates that FY16 transactions will be processed through Banner. We encourage you to make requests (such as budget transfers, journal entries, requisitions, summer tuition waivers, etc.) earlier, if possible.

Additionally, departments should be aware that service departments will be billing for work done through June 30. Departments should contact individual service departments (see the listing of service departments below) for their cutoff dates to accept work to be done by June 30.


  • April through July
    • Departments should review accounting information through Argos, Self-Service Banner, or Internet Native Banner. Departments should look for expenses that have not posted as well as encumbrances balances that may need changed (either increased or decreased). Standing purchase orders and work orders should be closed if necessary.
  • April through June
    • The Business Office will be contacting departments with potential "excess funds" to discuss actions.
  • Feb. 19
    • All FY16 requisitions for $250,000 or above must be completed and approved by Board of Trustees.
  • March 31
    • All FY16 requisitions above the following amounts must be completed and approved:
      • Professional and Artistic Services - $20,000
      • Commodities, Equipment, and Contractual Services - $50,000
      • Construction - $65,000
  • May 2
    • Unless you have prior approval from the Department of Procurement, Disbursements, and Contract Services, all FY16 requisitions must be completed and approved. To ensure Procurement has sufficient time to get sealed bids, complete state-required paperwork/approvals, and place the order by June 30, 2016, please enter the requisition onto Banner as soon as possible.
  • June 10
    • Travel Applications for the remainder of FY16 must be received by the Department of Procurement, Disbursements, and Contract Services. (if allowed)
  • June 29 - NOON
    • Final day to order through OfficeMax for FY16. The OfficeMax website will not be available until the morning of July 1 (for delivery on July 2).
  • June 30
    • Service departments will close FY16. Cashiers will receive FY16 deposits (including gifts) until 4 p.m. After June 30 at noon, there will be no new FY16 requisitions or purchase orders allowed. Departments should also have forwarded tuition/fee waiver information to the Department of Financial Aid, which will be sending further instructions to affected departments.
  • July 1
    • Final FY16 budget transfers will be entered. All payroll adjustments must be provided to Payroll. Departments with inventories (Housing, Textbook Rental Service, Union, Mail Services, Pharmacy, Tarble Arts Center, Facilities, Planning and Management, etc.) should complete their inventories and forward them to the Business Office.
  • July 13
    • All FY16 Request for Payments, invoices, and Travel Vouchers must be received in the Department of Procurement, Disbursements, and Contract Services. Unless they are significant to the University's financial statements, any invoices and travel vouchers received after this date will be processed against FY16 budgets.
  • July 15
    • Final OfficeMax, P-Card, Campus Projects, and service department billings will be posted.
    • Accounts Payable will close for FY16.
    • Payroll will feed the final FY16 payroll adjustments to the Business Office.
  • July 15 (afternoon)
    • FY16 purchase orders and work orders will be rolled to FY17. Banner posting and approvals will be turned off until this is complete.

Thank You

We appreciate all departments' cooperation and assistance in helping us close the university's fiscal year in a timelier manner and meet the deadlines imposed by the State of Illinois.

Service Departments

Service departments (and the department to contact) include:

  • Campus Projects (Facilities, Planning and Management)
  • Garage and Fleet (FP&M)
  • Maintenance Materials/Janitor Supplies (FP&M)
  • Personnel Security Checks (Human Resources)
  • Media Services
  • Postage (Mail Services)
  • Telecommunications
  • The Daily Eastern News (Student Publications)
  • Union Bookstore
  • Copy Express
  • Utilities (FP&M)

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Student Accounts

1131 Old Main
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6371

Business Office

1131 Old Main
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6371

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