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EIU Budget Office

Argos Reports and Instructions

You must have security access to log in and access reports within Banner and Argos. Your Net ID and password are used to access the online financial manager reports within Argos. It is not necessary to attend training to obtain a password, but if you feel you would benefit from training, please contact the Budget Office at 217-581-3428.

Instructions on Argos Installation

Financial Manager Reports with brief explanations of purpose are listed below. (Note that this listing doesn’t include all of the available reports. If you click on a report in Argos and select “run report”, there is generally a brief description in the “Notes” section telling you a little about the report).

The links below provide specific instructions for running the particular report. 
  • Budget Availability Report(with FOS) - (BAVL) - This report assists at a high level for detecting if there is budget availability within a pooled budgetary area when entering a requisition to avoid non-sufficient funds (NSF) status.

  • Budget Deficit Reports for LVL3 and LVL2 Access Orgs – This limited access report determines, by hierarchical access, which appropriated accounts have deficit balances.

  • Budget Management Report (BMR) – This report is a very versatile tool for current expenditure and historical trend analyses which can be extracted into Excel. This report has exceptional analytical capabilities. Budget Office will hold periodic seminars and one-on-one training on this sophisticated but simple to use analytical tool. 

  • Budget versus Actual Report for University Funds (with FOS) – This report gives a high level overview of all orgs within a selected Organization level comparing budget to actual expenditures broken down by Personnel Services, Non Personnel Services, and Revenue (for non-appropriated orgs).
  • Year-To-Date Financial Transactions (withFOS) – This report identifies all transactions by organization and account to assist with verifications that all transactions are accurate (both budget and expenditures).

  • Fund Balance Report (withFOS) – For non-appropriated orgs, this report is very helpful in monitoring fund balance carry-over amounts and current fund balance.

  • Orbit Reports (Orbit and Orbit Lite) – This is a personnel service report which indicates payroll data by employee and position. This facilitates payroll data verifications.

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