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EIU Booth Library

Library ID Number

Your Library Number is a 14-digit number which is found in the lower right corner of your Panther Card (on-campus students) and Student ID card (continuing education students).

Panther Card Continuing Education Card

General information

Your library number is a unique identifier that gives you access to Interlibrary Loan services at the library and connects you to your personal library account. 

How do I find my library number?

  1. Look for your library number on your student ID card (Panther ID card or Continuing Education ID card).
  2. Use the Find my ID number form. You will be asked to enter your E-number and Last Name.

How do I get a Panther Card?

Visit the Panther Card Office located in the Student Services Building or call them at 581-6596. All on-campus students, staff, and faculty are expected  to obtain a Panther Card. 

How do I get a student I.D. card if I am a continuing education student?

Once admitted to the EIU Extended Learning Online or Off-Campus Program, your registration for classes will trigger the production of your EIU I.D. You should receive your card in 5-7 business days. This card contains the library number.  Your library number entitles you to:

  • Set up the "My Account" feature in the EIU Online Catalog and I-Share
  • Check out materials at a distance and have them sent to your home or office (if outside Coles County)
  • Interlibrary loan services (request materials from other libraries) 
  • Check out materials in person at Booth Library and 86 other academic libraries in Illinois. An additional photo ID is required for this.
  • Check out materials from MyMediaMall

What if the number on my Panther Card or student I.D. card for continuing education students doesn’t work when I try to access My Account in the EIU Online Catalog?

If the number on the card is not yet active, call the library’s Circulation Services at 217-581-6071 to have it activated.

Can I use my library number during the summer?

You may use your library number as long as you have registered for an upcoming semester (e.g. Fall semester).

What do I do if I lose my Panther Card or my student I.D. card for continuing education students? Can I still use the library?

First, you should immediately notify the Panther Card Office located in the Student Services Building (217-581-6596) in addition to reporting it to the library’s Circulation Services (581-6071) in order to prevent misuse of your card by someone else.  

Can I obtain both a Panther Card and a student ID card for continuing education students?

No.  If you already have an active Panther Card, you may not request a Continuing Education student ID Card.  Either card gives you full access to library services; however, the Panther Card also provides access to many other functions on campus. Note: When continuing education students apply for a Panther Card in person at the Panther Card Office, their student I.D. card for continuing education students will be deactivated.

If you have further questions, call 217-581-6072 or use the Ask A Librarian service to send your question via e-mail.

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Booth Library

600 Lincoln Avenue,
Charleston, IL 61920
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(217) 581-6072

Federal Depository LogoBooth Library is a Federal Depository Library


  • Today: 9:00am-5:00pm
  • Sunday: 12:00pm-Midnight
  • Monday: 8:00am-Midnight

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