Beowulf Exhibit
Explore the world of Beowulf through pictures and readings.
Burl Ives Exhibit
From September to November, during regular library hours, Booth Library will be exhibiting images and artifacts pertaining to the life and career of Burl Ives-singer, movie star, actor, TV personality, author and former Eastern student during the 1920s.
Study Abroad Latin America Exhibit
The Office of Study Abroad display in the north lobby of Booth Library has been set up to promote Latino Heritage Month (September 15th - October 15th) and study abroad opportunities in Latin America. Students will have many opportunities in the next month to learn about Latino people in our local and national community through speakers, presentations, and displays on campus. They also have the opportunity to study in a Latin American country and gain first-hand experience!
Day of the Dead Exhibit
A Day of the Dead exhibit has been developed by Dean Allen Lanham and Pamela Ortega to coincide with the Latino Heritage Month Celebration. The exhibit showcases the library's collection of "calavera" figurines (handmade, unique skeleton figurines that are part of the Day of the Dead celebration in
Mexico) and books on the Mexican holiday. It will remain in place through November and is located in the South lobby of Booth Library.
Native American Exhibit
A Native American Collection is a new exhibit on display in the Marvin Foyer, put together by students, Sonja Foster and Sara Lambert, together with Ollie Mae Ray of the Health Studies Department. Items on display were donated by Mrs. Pauline Hilb, Mr. George Fozzard, and Dr. Karl Konrad, an emeritus faculty member at Eastern Illinois University. The exhibit is a blend of Cherokee and other Native American items and will remain in the library through November.
Christmas: Nativity Scenes Exhibit
Christmas: Nativity Scenes is a new exhibit at Booth Library this year featuring nativity or manger scenes from the personal collections of library faculty and staff. This exhibit will be located in the hallway between the reference area and the Marvin Foyer, next to the Hanukkah and Kwanzaa displays, through the end of December.-
Hanukkah: The Festival of Lights
Hanukkah: The Festival of Lights is an exhibit now on display at Booth Library by curators Stacey Knight-Davis and Bob Hillman for celebration of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. This exhibit will be on display in the Reference Hall East through January.
Kwanzaa Exhibit
Kwanzaa is an exhibit at Booth Library by curator Johnson Kofi Kuma and graphic artist Bev Cruse. This exhibit will be on display in the Reference Hall West through January. Kwanzaa is derived from the Kiswahili language of East Africa which means "the First Fruits of the Harvest." It is a cultural celebration by African Americans in commemoration of their experiences in America, lasting seven days (from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1). Each day is marked by the lighting of one of the seven candles, followed by prayers, food, music and dancing, reading and telling of stories, and other activities.
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