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EIU Booth Library

Library Response to COVID-19

Booth Library has adjusted services and access to resources due to the University’s response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. This is a fluid and constantly changing situation. Any updates to library hours, services, and resources will be added to this page. View the library hours here.

All patrons are required to properly wear face masks while in the library. Those who are unvaccinated should follow proper social distancing guidelines.


  Administration Office:    217-581-6061
  Circulation Desk:    217-581-6071


Library hours:

During the fall semester, the library is open:




     8 a.m.-midnight


     8 a.m.-5 p.m.
  Saturday      9 a.m.-5 p.m.


THESE HOURS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Reduced hours are offered during holidays and breaks.


Accessing library materials:

The library bookshelves are open to our patrons. However, those who would like assistance obtaining materials from our collection may contact the Circulation Department. Email, call 217-581-6071 during open hours or fill out the online request form, Patrons may also request the retrieval of Booth-owned items by using the request option in the Booth Library catalog.

Curbside pickup and on-campus faculty delivery available: Curbside pickup and campus faculty delivery are available. These options are available for any item that would normally be checked out from our Circulation Desk.

Need a book we don’t have? Booth Library can help! Books from other Illinois libraries can be requested using the library catalog ( Other books can be requested through Booth Library’s interlibrary loan service.

Need an article? Booth Library can get an article for you pretty darn fast. Try us out and request it here

Electronic resources: All of Booth Library’s electronic resources, including the library catalog, more than 100 research databases, and our online reference resources, are accessible to off-campus users for online learning and research. Subscription resources will require an EIU NetID and password.


Sanitation and safety:

The safety of our patrons and staff is our top priority. Hand sanitizer and wipes are available throughout the building. All unvaccinated library patrons are encouraged to follow social distancing guidelines and leave at least 6 feet of space between yourself and others, as recommended by the Illinois Department of Public Health. In accordance with university guidelines, all patrons are required to properly wear masks while in the building. Patrons are encouraged to clean their work spaces when arriving and prior to leaving the library.


Study rooms/meditation room:

The Booth study rooms and meditation room on the fourth floor are open. In order to meet safety protocols, they have limited capacity. Rooms are available by reservation only (no walk-ins) and can be reserved for up to two hours. The same requirements apply for the meditation room.

Sanitizers have been placed in the rooms so that patrons can clean surfaces. There will be a break between reservations to allow for air filtration. All students are required to wear masks while using these rooms.

Only current EIU students with a valid Panther Card may reserve a room. Reservations can be made up to two weeks in advance. The link to reserve study rooms is The link to reserve the meditation room is


Research help:

Research help is available from 4:30 p.m.-midnight Sunday, 9 a.m.-midnight Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and 1-4 p.m. Saturday.

Virtual help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Booth librarians will provide research help by appointment and virtually through email, chat and videoconferencing.


Faculty help:

Our librarians are here for you! If you need additional resources for distance learning or would like library resources and information added to your classes in D2L, contact any of the Research, Engagement and Scholarship Librarians. For more information, call 581-6072 during business hours.

Requests for new books, DVDs or serials can be directed to the request email form.



General guidelines

  Must I wear a mask in the library?  Yes, in accordance with university guidelines, you must wear a mask while in the library.
  Can I eat/drink in the library?  Yes. You are welcome to eat and drink at your designated work space. No food or drink is allowed in the computer labs. Your face mask may be removed while eating or drinking but should be put back in place immediately.



  How can I be safe in the library? 

Wear a mask at all times except when eating/drinking, and if you are unvaccinated, practice social distancing and keep 6 feet away from others. Do not move library furniture.

  How will my study table be cleaned? 

Hand sanitizer is available throughout the building. Patrons are encouraged to clean their work spaces when arriving and prior to leaving the library. Sanitation wipes are provided.


Access to materials

  How can I get a book from the shelves?

Patrons are welcome to browse our bookshelves and locate materials on their own. If you require assistance, please contact the Circulation staff via email or call 217-581-6071 during open hours.

  How do I return materials to the library?

A dropbox is located outside the library on the west wall of the southwest corner of the building. In addition, materials can be left in the dropbox at the Circulation desk on the south end of the main floor.

Updates and additional information:

Updates will be posted to this page as they become available.



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Contact Information

Booth Library

600 Lincoln Avenue,
Charleston, IL 61920
Ask Us
book an appointment
(217) 581-6072

Federal Depository LogoBooth Library is a Federal Depository Library


  • Today: 8:00am-5:00pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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