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EIU Booth Library

BTC Guided and Leveled Readers

Search Guided and Leveled Books in BTC

What are Guided and Leveled Readers?

Guided Reading is a instructional approach that involves a teacher working with a small group of readers. Our guided readers are sets of books grouped by theme at different reading levels. Guided reading sets will have multiple copies of the same title to be used by small reading groups. The BTC's Leveled Readers collection is a large set of books organized in levels of difficulty from the easy books that an emergent reader might begin to the longer, complex books that advanced readers will select. The BTC has multiple leveled reader sets from different publishers.

Where are the Guided and Leveled Readers Located?

Guided and Leveled Readers are located directly to the south of the service desk.

Location of Guided and Leveled Readers in Ballenger Teachers Center

guided and leveled readers map

Location of Guided and Leveled Readers in the Library Building

audio books

Photos of the Guided and Leveled Readers

guided and leveled readers

guided and leveled readers

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