EIU Alumni FAQ
How do I contact lost classmates?
How do I get an EIU license plate?
How can I update my address/contact info?
Where can I obtain a copy of my transcript?
How can I get a replacement diploma?
Where can I purchase a class ring?
Where can I get pictures from my graduation?
Contact the Commencement Office for more information on commencement photos.
Who verifies EIU degrees?
The Office of the Registrar verifies degrees. For more information, call 217-581-3511 or check out their web page.
How can I get a sports schedule or purchase athletic event tickets?
Sports schedules and tickets are available from the Athletics Office. Call 217-581-2319 or visit www.eiupanthers.com.
Where can I purchase EIU merchandise?
You can find a list of on-campus and online vendors here.