The Pension Administrator Certification (PAC) Program is designed for those individuals in local government who are responsible for daily tasks related to the management of the 600+ Police and Fire Pension plans in the State of Illinois. Such tasks include payroll setup, benefit program setup, and benefit processing and reporting. Any individual who is responsible for such tasks, regardless of job title, shall be eleigble to pursue the certification.
The goal of the certification program is to help ensure that pension administrators understand the ever-changing and complex duties and responsibilities necessary to properly maintain the police and fire pension records. The Pension Administrator typically works in conjunction with a Retirement Coordinator, with whom responsibilities are closely aligned but whose emphasis lies more on the retirement aspects of the individual. The Illinois Public Pension Fund Association (IPPFA) offers a “certified Trustee” program for those who serve as trustees to the public pension plans.
The Pension Administrator Certification is a stand alone program offered by the Illinois Municipal Treasurers Association (IMTA). It is not directly affiliated with the Certified Illinois Municipal Treasurer (CIMT) program offered by the IMTA to those with traditional treasurer/finance positions. As a result, the Association for Public Treasurers (APT) has not been consulted on this potential program.
Sessions such as DOI Annual Compliance Report and Fees MCR Report, Tax Forms Benefits/Benefit Calculations, Pension Contributions; Reciprocity, military purchased, disability buy backs and other Misc Service Purchases; Open Meeting Act, Freedom of Information Act, Statement of Economic Interest, Mandatory Trustee Training; IL Fire/Police Consolidation, IMRF; Flexible Spending Account; and many more will be offered.
Registration is open to everyone that administers a police or fire pension plan in the State of Illinois. Cost to attend is only $235.00 for IMTA members or $265.00 for Nonmembers before October 23rd. Registration fees go up after October 23rd.
The Doubletree Hotel in Bloomington, Illinois will be the location of this event. Registration will be from 12:30 p.m. until 1:30 p.m. with training starting at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 12th and going until 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14th. Hotel rooms can be reserved by calling (309)664-6446 by October 22, 2017. Ask for the IMTA block of rooms. Rooms are $115.00 per night. Dinner will be served on Sunday and lunch will be provided on Monday and Tuesday.
Registration can be done online at, by calling (217)581-5114 and registering over the phone, or by mailing in the paper registration form.
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-5114
600 Lincoln Avenue, Buzzard Hall Room 1328
(217) 581-7415