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Eastern Illinois University

Office of Admissions

EIU Open House Schedule

The schedule below is tentative, but can help give you an idea of your day! Be sure to check out printed schedule when you arrive.

7:45 - 8:30 am: Early Bird Campus ToursDoudna Fine Arts Center, Concourse

Join a student-led tour of our beautiful campus! Early bird campus tours will leave at 7:45, 8, and 8:15 am.

7:45 - 9 am: Check InDoudna Fine Arts Center, Concourse

Check in and chat with other Future Panther families, current students, faculty and admissions staff. Don’t forget to grab some breakfast goodies!

7:45 - 9 am: Financial Aid & Housing Info TablesDoudna Fine Arts Center, Concourse

Connect with the Offices of Housing & Dining and Financial Aid & Scholarships to learn more about living at EIU and paying for college.

9 - 9:20am: Welcome Session & Scholarship DrawingDoudna Fine Arts Center, Dvorak Concert Hall

Welcome! To kick off your visit, we have a lineup of speakers including students and campus representatives who are eager to share their experiences and insights with you. Be sure to scan the QR code in your program to be entered to win one of five $2,000 scholarships to be given away at the welcome.

9:25 - 10:30 am: Academic & Student Services FairMLK Jr. Union, Second Floor, University & Grand Ballrooms

Visit with faculty, staff and student support services to learn about student academic and service programs offered at EIU.

10:15 am - 2 pm: Talk to an Admissions CounselorMLK Jr. Union, Second Floor, Alumni Lounge

Talk to our admissions experts and get all your EIU questions answered!

10:15 - 10:45 am: Breakout SessionsMLK Jr. Union

Freshman Admissions
MLK Jr. Union, Third Floor, Arcola/Tuscola Room
Learn about the admissions process and the steps needed to become an EIU student.

Sesión Informativa De Admisiones
MLK Jr. Union, en el Tercer Piso, Salón Greenup
Presentación detallada sobre el proceso de admisión, por uno de nuestros consejeros que habla español.

Transfer Admissions
MLK Jr. Union, Third Floor, Martinsville Room
Get valuable insights about the transfer process and useful tips for planning a seamless transfer experience.

10:30 am - 1:30 pm: Campus ToursMLK Jr. Union, Second Floor, Bridge Lounge

Join a student-led tour of our beautiful campus!

10:30 am - 12:30 pm: Residence Hall ToursEIU Residence Halls

Check out on-campus living options by asking for a room tour at the front desks of any residence hall.

10:55 - 11:25 am: Breakout SessionsMLK Jr. Union

Student Panel
MLK Jr. Union, First Floor, Vending Lounge
Hear from current students about what it’s really like to live and learn at Eastern Illinois University.

Scholarships & Financial Aid
MLK Jr. Union, Third Floor, Arcola/Tuscola Room
Learn about the financial aid process, including our Aim High Scholarships, tips for filing your FAFSA, as well as other EIU scholarships and how to apply for them.

Honors College
MLK Jr. Union, Third Floor, Martinsville Room
Hear about the Honors College and the benefits it offers to our community of academically talented students.

MLK Jr. Union, Third Floor, Effingham Room
Learn about the Army ROTC program at EIU: its benefits & requirements, career options, scholarships available, and earning potential as an Army Officer.

11 am - 1:30 pm: Dine on CampusEIU Dining Centers

Join us in any of our dining halls for lunch any time between 11 am - 1:30 pm. $8 per person. Credit or debit card only.

11:35 am - 12:05 pm: Breakout SessionsMLK Jr. Union

First-Gen Students & Support Services
MLK Jr. Union, Third Floor, Martinsville Room
Explore programs, involvement opportunities, and other ways EIU helps you succeed.

Housing & Dining
MLK Jr. Union, Third Floor, Arcola/Tuscola Room
Representatives from Housing & Dining will chat with you about the benefits of living on campus and introduce you to our housing choices and amenities and dining options.

Undecided? We Can Help!
MLK Jr. Union, Third Floor, Effingham Room
Discover the tools Eastern has to offer to help you decide on a major and a career path.

Fraternity & Sorority Programs Panel
MLK Jr. Union, First Floor, Vending Lounge
Talk with current students about what it’s really like to be part of Greek life.


Undergraduate Admissions

1230 Old Main
600 Lincoln Ave. Charleston, IL 61920