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EIU Testing and Evaluation



Mcfee Testing Computer Lab

McAfee Gym - room 1341


Testing Information

The EIU Testing & Evaluation Operations Exam Lab houses 30 testing stations. TEO staff members proctor and administer exams for EIU students and offer outside proctoring services for the community and other university/college students. Our trained, professional staff will make sure your testing experience is pleasant and worry free. A current menu of exams offered by EIU is listed below.


ACT Residual Exam

For enrolled or admitted students who were unable to test on a national test date. Results are reported only to the college administering the test (in this case, EIU). No student reports or high school reports are generated, and no additional score reports will be generated to report scores to any other institution.  This exam may also be utilized for Merit Scholarship possibilities at EIU.

  • Test Fee: $75.00
  • Test Dates: By appointment only: 217-581-6696


Constitution Exam

EIU students seeking to graduate under catalogs PRIOR to the 1992-93 catalog, can choose to satisfy their Constitution graduation requirements by passing the appropriate competency exam. Call for additional information.

  • Test Fee: $10
  • Test Dates: By appointment only 217-581-6696


Health Exam

EIU students seeking to graduate under catalogs PRIOR to the 1992-93 catalog, can choose to satisfy their Health graduation requirements by passing the appropriate competency exam. Call for additional information.

  • Test Fee: $10
  • Test Dates: By appointment only 217-581-6696


Illinois Licensure Testing System

The Illinois Licensure Testing System (ILTS) site has up-to-date registration and testing information, test preparation materials, and services that enable you to register and obtain unofficial test results online. Includes important announcements as well as test dates and registration deadlines: For testing information please contact the Regional Office of Education (730 7th Street - Charleston, IL), an ILTS testing site. Contact that office at 217-348-0151 for more information.


Math Placement Exam (MPE)

The Math Placement Exam is used to determine math placement course level at EIU. Students have the option to take 5 assessments within the ALEKS program within the span of one year from initial student account creation.  Referral by an advisor or instructor is required

EIU utilizes the ALEKS placement exams through McGraw Hill.

Additional information is available at: EIU Math Placement Exam Guidelines

Math Placement Exam study information - No study guide for initial assessment.  Training modules within ALEKS system accessible in between assessment levels.

  • Test Fee: No fee to students - EIU managed.
  • Test Dates: By appointment only: 217-581-6696 and during all Freshman Orientation Dates


Outside Exam Proctoring

EIU offers exam proctoring for outside sources - i.e. other colleges/universities. Contact Testing and Evaluation to make appointments and schedule exams from other participating colleges/universities.  

  • Test Fee:  $25 per hour of exam proctoring
  • Test Dates: By appointment only 217-581-6696
  • Proctoring contact information:  Carrie Gossett or Brandy Verdin


Reading Placement Exam (RPE)

The Reading Placement Exam is used to determine reading placement course level at EIU. Referral by an advisor or instructor is required

EIU utilizes the Accuplacer placement exams through College Board.

  • Test Fee: First attempt: no fee, Second attempt and beyond: $20 fee per session
  • Test Dates: By appointment only: 217-581-6696


Writing Competency Exam (WCE)

No longer offered. Contact Certifying Officer in your college for options/information. WCE Alternative Exam information is available upon request. This requirement has been replaced by the Electronic Writing Portfolio (EWP).

All examinees within the EIU Testing Center must agree with and adhere to the following rules & regulations before the administration of each exam.

Eastern Illinois University Testing Center - 

Exam Rules and Regulations for Examinees


  • The use of all outside aids (electronic devices - but not limited to smartphones, smartwatches, ear pods, headphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) are not allowed in the Testing Lab unless for a pre-approved medical reason or approved by instructor for use.


  • In cases where medical devices are required by the examinee, documentation must be on file with the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations at EIU and noted in the testing file for the examinee.


  • Lockers are provided for all personal items (including electronic devices not allowed for the exam) and must be utilized before each exam. The examinee will be provided a lock and key by the Testing Center to secure items during the exam.


  • Exam specifications from the instructor are strictly adhered to regarding allowances for notes, calculators, textbooks or other resources to be utilized or prohibited during an exam.


  • Examinees are not allowed to communicate with any other human being (other than the exam proctor) during the exam. You may not disseminate or discuss anything from the exam to any other student in another section of the exam course who has not taken the exam yet.  Doing so will be considered academic dishonesty and lead to possible voiding of exam grade.  EIU follows the EIU Student Conduct Code - .


  • After a test/quiz/exam has started, the examinee must complete the session in one sitting, unless preauthorized by the instructor. If the examinee leaves the testing room during a test session for any unauthorized reason, the instructor will be notified.  If a restroom break is granted that is not part of an accommodation, the running time for the exam will not be stopped.  If a restroom break is granted during the exam for an examinee with or without this accommodation, examinees are not to access their lockers and/or take any items from the testing lab with them to the restroom.  There will be a 5-minute time limit for this break.  If the time limit is exceeded, the instructor will be informed of the time lapse and possible corruption of the exam integrity.  It will be at the instructor’s discretion as to whether to allow the examinee to receive a grade for the exam or not.


  • The Testing Coordinator may excuse an examinee, terminate a test, and/or contact EIU campus police if the examinee exhibits behavior that is disruptive, confrontational, unruly, threatening and/or does not comply with the EIU Testing Center guidelines, directives or the EIU Student Conduct Code.


As an examinee, my signature below constitutes my pledge that I have followed the above-mentioned exam rules for the EIU Testing Center.  I certify that my answers on this exam are entirely my own work and do not consist of any assistance from others or any type of unallowed electronic means. I understand that there is no tolerance towards academic dishonesty and any type of cheating can and will lead to automatic forfeiture of this exam grade and reported to the instructor of the course and the EIU Dean of Students office.

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Contact Information

Eastern Illinois University
Testing and Evaluation

McAfee Gym- Suite 2000
Staff suite offices 2002 and 2010
Testing Lab McAfee 1341
After hours drop slot in McAfee Suite 2000 door
Charleston, IL 61920
Brandy Verdin, Office Manager

Carrie E. Gossett, Director


Regular Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Summer Hours: (Mid May-Mid Aug)

Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday 7:30 a.m. - Noon

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