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Eastern Illinois University

Academic Support Center

Study Skills:

The seven-Day Study Plan

Whether you like to admit it or not, procrastination does not work! YOU are responsible for your success in college, no one else. Daily completion of homework assignments and readings, daily review of class notes, and a plan for studying is the best combination for academic success at the college level. Use the following Seven Day Study Plan as a guide of what to study, and when to study it. You will achieve better results!

Day 1: Organize your notes and other materials 

  • Outline all study materials
  • Make sure no notes are missing
  • Study the most important materials first

Day 2: Review and study material emphasized in lectures  

  • Lecture notes first
  • Handouts
  • PowerPoints

Day 3: Review and study text  

  • Re-read all text material that will be covered on the test
  • It’s okay to skim material for main ideas, especially if you’ve already read it!
  • Take notes from your textbook (SQ3R, outline, etc.)
  • Review text material

Day 4: Combine lecture and textbook material  

  • Compare information from both sources
  • Draw parallels between both sources

Day 5: Review lecture notes only  

Focus on your lecture notes

Day 6: Review text only  

Focus on textbook, articles, etc.

Day 7: Review ALL study material  

  • Focus on areas you are having trouble understanding
  • Include any related material that was not emphasized in the lecture or text


Academic Support Center

McAfee Gym, Room 2230
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-6696

Office Hours

Monday -Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.