Dr. Kathleen A. O'Rourke
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Dr. Kathleen A. O'Rourke

Professor, Aging Studies Graduate Coordinator, & Human Services Graduate Coordinator Office: 1044 - Klehm Hall
Phone: 217-581-6076
Fax: 217-581-6090
Email: kaorourke@eiu.edu
Website: https://www.eiu.edu/hscl/



Dr. Kathleen O'Rourke serves as the Aging Studies Graduate Coordinator and Human Services Graduate Coordinator at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois. Dr. O’Rourke has been a professor in the Department of Human Services since 2001 and is a member of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies faculty. Dr. O’Rourke holds a Ph.D. in Family Studies with a specialization in Gerontology from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and M.S. and B.S. degrees in Home Economics-Family Services (now known as Human Services) from Eastern Illinois University in Charleston.
Dr. O'Rourke serves on the Patient Family Advisory Council for Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Care Center. Dr. O'Rourke has served on the East Central Illinois Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council for Reducing Social Isolation in Coles County. At the national level, Dr. O’Rourke has served as President of the Board of Directors for Kappa Omicron Nu, the leading honor society in Human Services, and on the Board of Directors for the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Alliance. Also, Dr. O'Rourke has served as President of the Board of Directors for Sexual Assault Counseling and Information Service (SACIS) in Charleston, IL. 
Prior to joining the faculty at EIU, Dr. O’Rourke was employed by St. Mary's Hospital (Tennova Healthcare) in Knoxville, Tennessee as a Geriatric Case Manager for the Employee Assistance Program and as a Geriatric Consultant in the Division of Senior and Community Services. While at St. Mary’s, Dr. O’Rourke’s primary responsibilities included: direct care service, cognitive assessment testing, and caregiver support group facilitation in a dementia-specific adult day program; community outreach education and support for caregivers and older adults; grant writing and fund development; home-based care coordination services and living environment assessments; and development/ implementation of hospital-based intergenerational programs for older adults and young children.
Early in her career, Dr. O’Rourke held faculty positions at The University of Tennessee as the Director of the Early Childhood PreK-Grade 3 Teacher Licensure Program and as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Child and Family Studies and at Carson-Newman University in Jefferson City, Tennessee as an Instructor in the Division of Family and Consumer Sciences.
Dr. O’Rourke’s areas of research expertise include intergenerational programming between older adults with dementia and preschool-aged children; the portrayal of older adults with dementia in popular media and children’s literature; disclosure and support for college-age women post-sexual assault; predictors and patterns of intimate partner violence; news media portrayal of campus sexual assault cases; environmental organization principles of caregiving programs for young children and for older adults; and smart home assistive technology for older adults and caregivers.

Summer 2024 Courses: 

HSL 4860 Addiction and the Family 

HSL 4845 Family Stress and Resilience

HSL 5980 Internships

Online Office Hours:

Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Please email kaorourke@eiu.edu to arrange a phone or Zoom appointment.


My EIU Story


Chair, Aging Studies Interdisciplinary Board, 2015-present

CHHS Curriculum Committee, 2021-present

University Grade Appeals Committee, 2016-present

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Council, 2002-present
     -WGS Essay Awards Committee, 2002-present









Education & Training

The University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Ph.D. Child and Family Studies   1999
Specialization/Minor: Gerontology

Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL
M.S. Home Economics-Human Development and Family Life   1995

Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL
B.S. Home Economics-Family Services   1994.







Conference Presentations

§  Intimate Partner Violence: Impacts on Economic Security and Workplace Safety (O’Rourke, K.) American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual National Conference, Dallas, TX, June 2017

§  Taking Care of YOU! Strategic Goal-Setting for Self-Care and Well-Being of Busy FCS Professionals (O’Rourke, K., & Simpson, L.) American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual National Conference, Bellevue, WA, June 2016

§  Taking care of you! Strategies for self-care, health, and well-being for the busy FCS professional  (O’Rourke, K., Simpson, L., Duncan Lane, C., & Shaw, K.) American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual National Conference, Jacksonville, FL, June 2015

§  Achieving tenure and promotion in higher education: Strategies for success (O’Rourke, K., Simpson, L., Duncan Lane, C. & Shaw, K.) American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual National Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June 2014
§  An analysis of course exam preparation by undergraduate Family and Consumer Sciences students (O’Rourke, K. & Williams, L.) American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual National Conference, Houston, TX, June 2013
§  A step in the right direction: Making a wise transition to becoming a new faculty member(O’Rourke, K., Simpson, L., & Duncan-Lane, C.) American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual National Conference, Houston, TX, June 2013
§  Back in black: A study of shopping behavior on Black Friday (Simpson, L., Taylor, L., O’Rourke, K., Shaw, K., Bowers, J., & Reifsteck, D.) American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual National Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June 2012
§  Consumer socialization: The relationship with compulsive buying behavior(Berbaum, A., Simpson, L, O’Rourke, K., & Taylor, L.) American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual National Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June 2012
§  Examining two types of bullying in high school: Cyber bullying and relational aggression(Lewis, S., O’Rourke, K., Taylor, L., Meadows, M.) American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual National Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June 2012
§  Goodbye graduate school & hello job market! Interview strategies for faculty positions in higher education(O’Rourke, K., & Simpson, L.) American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual National Conference, Indianapolis, IN, June 2012
§  Sexual assault:  An examination of disclosure, reporting, and support among female university students (O’Rourke, K. & Smith, T.). American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual National Conference, Knoxville, TN, June 2009
§  Sexual assault:  An examination of disclosure, reporting, and support among female university students (O’Rourke, K. & Smith, T.). Illinois Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, February 2009
§  Get outta my way: An analysis of shopping behavior on Black Friday(Simpson, L., O’Rourke, K., Taylor, L., Bowers, J., & Appleby, D.).  American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, June 2008

§  Empowering adolescents in a morally ambiguous world: An exploration of middle school character education programs (Bowers, J., & O’Rourke, K.). American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, June 2008
§  Shopping across the generations: An analysis of consumer behavior on Black Friday (Simpson, L., O’Rourke, K., Taylor, L., Bowers, J., Appleby, D., & Shaw, K.).  Illinois Council on Family Relations Annual State Conference, Urbana, IL, April 2008
§  Aging is NOW in nutrition: Are we ready? (O’Rourke, K.). Society for Nutrition Education International Conference, Chicago, IL, July 2007
§  Sexual assault:  An examination of disclosure, reporting, and support among female university students (O’Rourke, K. & Smith, T.). Family and Consumer Sciences and Master of Arts in Gerontology Conference, Charleston, IL, March 2007
§  Combating childhood obesity: A focus on families and child care providers (Ozier, S.J., & O’Rourke, K.). American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, June 2005.  
§  Research opportunities for students: Successful approaches and important considerations related to theses, dissertations, and other research experiences (O’Rourke, K.). Association for Gerontology in Higher Education Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK, February 2005
§  Grant writing for the new professional:  Successful strategies and helpful resources (O’Rourke, K.), National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, BC, November 2003
§  The process of writing a thesis or dissertation:  Strategies and suggestions for success (O’Rourke, K.). National Council on Family Relations, Houston, TX, November 2002
§  Earning the degree, securing the interview, and getting hired: Learning the ‘basics’ for making a wise transition to new faculty member (O’Rourke, K.). National Council on Family Relations, Rochester, NY, November 2001
§  Yesterday's memories, today's moments, and tomorrow's hopes: Intergenerational stories  of older adults' behaviors in an Alzheimer's care program, (O’Rourke, K.). National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN, November 2000
§  Intergenerational activities: Effects of preschool children's presence and absence on the behaviors of older adults with dementia, (O’Rourke, K.). National Council on Family Relations,Minneapolis, MN, November 2000
§  Health care and higher education: Graduate student service learning(O’Rourke, K.). American Society on Aging, Orlando, FL, March 1999
§  Moving beyond the classroom: Linking higher education and community involvement through student field experiences(O’Rourke, K.). National Council on Family Relations, Milwaukee, WI, November 1998
§  Bridging two generations: An intergenerational program initiative for adults with Alzheimer’s disease and preschool children (O’Rourke, K.)  American Society on Aging, San Francisco, CA, March 1998
§  Bridging two generations: An intergenerational creative arts program for adults with Alzheimer’s disease and young children (O’Rourke, K.).  National Council on Family Relations, Crystal City, VA, November 1997

















§   O’Rourke, K.& Williams, L. (2013). Analysis of course exam preparation by undergraduate Family and Consumer Sciences students. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Colleges, Universities, and Research (CUR) Conference Proceedings, Alexandria, VA: AAFCS.

§   Berbaum, A., Simpson, L., O’Rourke, K., & Taylor, L. (2012). Consumer socialization: The relationship with compulsive buying behavior. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Colleges, Universities, and Research (CUR) Conference Proceedings, Alexandria, VA: AAFCS.
§   Huxel, C. R., Burns, M. T., O’Rourke, K. A., & Simpson, L. D. (2012). Comparison of nutritive value, cost, viscosity and acceptability among developed oral nutritional supplements and commercially-prepared supplements. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112 (9), A-57.
§   Simpson, L., Taylor, L., O’Rourke, K., Shaw, K., Bowers, J., & Reifsteck, D. (2012). Back in black: Observing consumers on Black Friday. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Colleges, Universities, and Research (CUR) Conference Proceedings, Alexandria, VA: AAFCS.
§   Lewis, S., O’Rourke, K., Taylor, L., & Meadows, M. (2012). Examination of cyber bullying and relational aggression among high school students. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Colleges, Universities, and Research (CUR) Conference Proceedings, Alexandria, VA: AAFCS.
§   Barnes, J. L., Kennedy-Hagan, K., Painter, J. E., & O’Rourke, K. (2011). Factors that influence compliance with the gluten-free diet for Celiac Disease individuals. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 111(9), A-36.
§   Simpson, L., Taylor, L., O’Rourke, K., & Shaw, K. (2011). An analysis of consumer behavior on Black Friday. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 1(1), 1-9.
§   O’Rourke, K.& Smith, T. (2009). Sexual assault: An examination of disclosure, reporting and support among female university students.  American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Colleges, Universities, and Research (CUR) Conference Proceedings, Alexandria, VA: AAFCS.
§   Bowers, J., & O’Rourke, K. (2008). Empowering early adolescents in a morally ambiguous world: An exploration of middle school character education programs. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Research to Practice Rounds Conference Proceedings, Alexandria, VA: AAFCS.
§   O’Rourke, K. (2007). Aging is NOW in nutrition education: Are we ready? Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 39(4), S85.  
§   O’Rourke, K. (2005). Research opportunities for students: Successful approaches and important considerations related to theses, dissertations, and other research experiences. Association for Gerontology in Higher Education Conference Proceedings, Washington, DC: AGHE.
§   O’Rourke, K., Malia, J., & Marchlewicz, S. Intergenerational programming: Yesterday’s memories, today’s moments, and tomorrow’s hopes. In progress, School of Family and Consumer Sciences, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois.  







Funding & Grants








Frequently Taught Courses

Research Methods

Aging Policy in Action

Societal Theories of Aging 

Aging and the Family 

Addiction and the Family       

Family Stress and Resilience

Women in Contemporary Society

Women, Gender, & Violence








Research & Creative Interests

  • Disclosure, reporting, and support related to sexual assault among college-aged women
  • Portrayal of sexual assault in popular media (film, television, news outlets)
  • Benefits of intergenerational relationships between older adults with dementia and young children
  • Predictors of quality in grandparent-grandchild relationships
  • Portrayal of older adults in children's literature
  • Types and quality of support and resources for caregivers of older adults with dementia
  • Indicators of developmentally appropriate practice and activities for infants through 5-year old children
  • Environmental organization in programs for older adults and young children
  • Individual and family resiliency related to conflict and crisis
  • Individual and family grief/loss and post-traumatic healing processes







Professional Affiliations

American Society on Aging 

Illinois Council on Family Relations
    -Executive Board Member, 2004-2005
    -President, 2003-2004
    -Vice-President/Program Chair of Annual Conference, 2002-2003

Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society
-Coordinating Council of Honor Societies Representative, 2013-2019
    -National Executive Board Member, 2008-2016    
    -National Board Chair, 2013-2014
    -National Board Chair-Elect, 2012-2013
    -National Board Second Vice Chair, 2008-2012
    -Chapter Co-Adviser, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, 2002-2019
    -Chapter Co-Adviser, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1996-1997

National Council on Family Relations
    -Secretary/Treasurer, NCFR Family Health Section, 2002-2004
    -Member of Family Health, Research and Theory, and Family Policy Sections