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The Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) program at EIU has ended. We have worked alongside east central Illinois teachers since January 2004 and are proud of what we accomplished. Together we raised awareness of and promoted use of Library of Congress resources in the classroom and the positive impact that teaching with primary sources can have on student learning.
Our program was successful because of amazing educators who participated in professional development events and contributed ideas and resources. You shared your time and knowledge and we are forever grateful.
A copy of our final project Teaching with Primary Sources in Illinois: A Showcase of Library of Congress Resources Shared by Educators has been printed and a copy sent to each school in Illinois with students in 5th grade and higher. Our intention is to inspire teachers to look to the Library of Congress website to resources to support content literacy development and critical thinking. Digital copies are available here.
High resolution, large file or Low resolution, small file
Although TPS EIU is not longer active, we encourage you to visit the Library of Congress' Teacher Page or the list of TPS Consortium Members for current grant projects.
Current TPS grant programs in Illinois are:
Thank you!