Q. Does my child need any theatre experience?
A. No! All experience levels welcome.
Q. Will there be an audition?
A. There will be an audition during the first week for our performance of The Lion King Jr. No need to be nervous: all campers will be cast!
Q. Do you offer scholarships?
A. We offer need-based assistance, based on availability and your application date.
Q. What will my child do at camp?
A. Mornings we will have theatre games and classes, and afternoons will be spent rehearsing The Lion King Jr.
Q.What will my child need to bring?
A. Each child will be required to bring a sack lunch and a water bottle, as well as an afternoon snack.
Q. Will there be before care and after care?
A.We are working on that possibility!
Q.My child has stage fright. Can they still participate?
A. Yes! We will work on techniques for managing stage fright, but ultimately we will make it work if your child does not want to do the final performance.
Q. Can I volunteer?
A. We love having parents or grandparents to assist our camp teachers and directors! Please contact us below to discuss.
Q. How do I register?
Q. I have more questions!
A. Please email athibault@eiu.edu
2080 Doudna Fine Arts Cntr.
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-3121