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National Student Speech Language Hearing Association

Type: Academic
Membership Types: EIU Students Only
Web: https://www.eiu.edu/commdis/nsslha.php


The National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Eastern Illinois University Chapter (herein referred to as EIU NSSLHA) was created because of students’ desires for a closer affiliation with professionals in the discipline of human communication disorders and sciences and provides the following membership benefits: • Charitable opportunities to help individuals with communication disorders • Student representation in matters of professional concern • Professional growth derived from participation in EIU NSSLHA activities and programs • An opportunity for interaction with professionals • Assistance in the transition from student to professional

Meeting Times

Wednesdays from 10am-11am
Eastern Illinois University Speech and Hearing Clinic

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Rudyard C Watson Advisor rcwatson@eiu.edu 2175817444
Aswathy Anakkathil Pradeep Advisor aapradeep@eiu.edu 2175817445
Kaitlyn A Kiesler President kakiesler@eiu.edu
Gabrielle C Zavala Vice President gczavala@eiu.edu
Grace A Witzig Secretary gawitzig@eiu.edu
Brooke M Goveia Treasurer bmgoveia@eiu.edu