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PantherTech Support

Email, Collaboration, and Communications Policy

Policy Statement

This email, collaboration, and communications policy serves as a set of rules and guidelines governing the way employees use email, collaboration, and communication channels to provide the best experience possible. This policy is in place to mitigate risks to EIU and individuals within the university, to assist the university in understanding our legal requirements, to aid in preventing the spread of confidential information, and to promote a professional and productive work environment.

Entities Affected by This Policy

Employees, students, and any individual who uses EIU email, collaboration, and communication platforms.


EIU Information Security, phone 217-581-1939, email


Email and Messaging

These procedures will focus on supporting our own email system. It allows us to provide the best possible experience for our users and ensure their emails are always delivered securely and reliably.

  • Only use approved email and messaging platforms for EIU communication. Please visit our help article for more information (
  • Email should be used in accordance with IGP #129 - Use of Technology Resources by Employees ( with minimal usage for personal business, preferably none.
  • Employee and annuitant emails are not to be automatically forwarded to an external email service.
  • Email is not a secure platform and has limitations for use. Follow our information classification guidelines for what is approved to email. (
  • Mass emails to external addresses should only be sent by approval and in accordance with the 2003 CAN-SPAM Act.
    • Mass emails will be approved by University Marketing.
    • Mass internal emails will be approved by the appropriate vice president.
    • Non-desired mail could get the domain on block lists which prevents proper routing of email off campus.
    • Follow the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (CAN-SPAM Act) is a law that sets the rules for commercial email.
  • Email is considered EIU’s property and should not be copied when leaving the university without prior written authorization.
    • Business email may be copied to supervisor with vice presidential or presidential approval.
  • Former employees and students will not have access to email.
  • Annuitants
    • Annuitants will have the opportunity to opt in to continue receiving email to their email address.
    • The employee mailbox ( will be erased 6 months after migrating annuitant status.
    • Outgoing mail will be sent from email address.

Telephone and SMS Messaging

Collaboration and File Storage Software

We have decided to focus on supporting our own collaboration and file storage software system. This allows us to provide the best possible experience for our users and ensure that their files are always delivered securely and reliably.

  • Files stored on EIU platforms are considered EIU’s property and should not be copied when leaving the university without prior written authorization.
    • Business files may be copied to supervisor with vice presidential or presidential approval.
  • Collaboration and file storage software should be used in accordance with IGP 129 ( with minimal usage for personal business, preferably none.
  • Only use authorized collaboration and file storage platforms. Please visit our help article for more information (
    • Do not use unauthorized file storage platforms such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Apple iCloud without written approval.
  • Annuitants
    • Annuitants will have the opportunity to opt in to continue receiving email to their email address.
    • Employee storage will be erased before migrating to annuitant status.

Further Resources

  1. Compromised Accounts, Account Locks, Password Resets, and Disabled Accounts -
  2. The State Records Act (5 ILCS 160) -
  3. The Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140) -
  4. FOIA information at the Illinois State Library -
  5. Privacy Statement -
  6. CAN-SPAM -,phones%E2%80%94not%20email%20in%20general
  7. Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act -

Last Date Reviewed: 06/13/2024