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Official University Emails

Sent: 2014-09-05
From: Dean Robert Augustine and Dr. Jeffery Stowell
To: Employees, Students, Various Recipients

Subject: EIU NCA Accreditation Update

EIU Students, Faculty, and Staff:

The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association (NCA) of Colleges and Schools is the accrediting body for Eastern Illinois University and will conduct a site visit October 20 through 22, 2014. Eastern’s North Central Association Self-Study Report was submitted August 25 and is currently available at Please access it prior to the following events.

Fall Forum:  Wednesday, September 17, 3:00 p.m., University Grand Ballroom.  Join the Steering Committee for an informational session to learn more about the report and how to prepare for the site visit.
Site Visit: Monday October 20 through Wednesday October 22.  A schedule of events for the site visit will be shared as soon as the arrangements are finalized. Many in our community who serve on Eastern’s committees, boards, and councils will be invited to meet with site visitors to review and verify information that appears in the report. The Steering Committee urges everyone read the entire Self-Study Report, particularly those sections relevant to their role at Eastern in order to be fully prepared for the site visit. In addition to scheduled meetings, several sessions will be open to all members of the university and community.

Jeffrey R. Stowell, Co-Chair
Robert M. Augustine, Co-Chair