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EIU Master of Science in Human Services

 Graduate Coordinator / Advisor  


Dr. Kathleen O'Rourke is the graduate coordinator and graduate academic advisor for the Master of Science in Human Services, Master of Science in Aging Studies, and Master of Science in Aging Studies: Long Term Care Administration programs.
You will work with Dr. O'Rourke to map your long-term academic plan, ensuring you graduate on time!
If you have any questions about the programs, feel free to reach out to Dr. O'Rouke, or contact the department directly at or 217-581-6076.



Dr. Kathleen O'Rourke

Office: 1044 Klehm Hall 

Phone: 217-581-6076




Come prepared for your appointment.

Bring a copy of your long-range plan and updated checklist your advisor previously provided, and a list of the courses you plan to add to your schedule. Review your online degree audit (PAWS-Degree Works) and be aware of the remaining requirements/courses for your program.


Check your EIU email!

Announcements and personal messages from university offices, instructors, and advisors will be sent to your EIU email (panthermail) account. It is very important for students to monitor this account on a daily basis. If you are having trouble with your panthermail account, contact 217-581-4357 (217-581-HELP) for assistance. 


What is required for my program of study?

Students should become familiar with the online degree audit available through their PAWS account. Your advisor can teach you how to use this tool as well. Your advisor will assist you with understanding your catalog and curriculum requirements by using a checklist. Feel free to ask your advisor for an updated copy during your registration advisement appointment. 


When do I register?

Registration dates are published by the Office of the Registrar (Registration and Records).


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Contact Information

Dr. Kathleen O'Rourke
MS in Human Services, Graduate Coordinator

Dept. of Human Services
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920-3099

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