EIU’s 18th annual Student Research and Creative Activity Conference will be held on Friday, April 25, 2025. All students (graduate and undergraduate) from all disciplines are invited to share their work.
Deadline for submissions: Thursday, March 27, 2025
Link: https://www.eiu.edu/studentresearch/
Students from all disciplines! Share your research, scholarship, case studies, or creative work with the EIU Community at our annual Student Research Conference. Posters, presentations, panels, artworks, and performances are all welcomed.
All current EIU students - graduate and undergraduate, are invited to present. Students will have the opportunity to hone their skills as presenters and to talk about their work with fellow students, faculty, and staff from across the university. Build your resume by being part of this culmination of the academic enterprise.
Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920