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University Newsletter

Faculty: Reserve the CSI Active Learning Classroom for final presentations!

With the final stretch of fall classes on the horizon, the Active Learning Classroom in the CSI can be reserved by instructors for student presentations and other student assignments. The space accommodates student interactions where they engage with their peers, solve problems, and apply critical thinking in a collaborative environment.

This opportunity provides the following active teaching and learning opportunities:

Classroom Layout and Environment 

  • The ALC has flexible seating which allows for countless arrangements that facilitate group work and otherwise can enhance the effectiveness of active learning.

Alternative Techniques 

  • The ALC can support various active learning techniques, such as think-pair-share, group discussions, problem-solving tasks, case studies, and peer teaching, to cater to different learning styles.

 Technology Integration 

  • Upon request, the CSI can provide a variety of technologies to support active learning including tablet computers and presentation monitors. These tools can also bridge with external applications like learner response apps or collaborative tools like Google Docs or Kahoot!.

Reservations will be on a first-come, first-serve basis; not all requests may be accepted due to availability, usage rationale, or technology accommodation(s). Please submit your request at least 14 days in advance to ensure that we can accommodate your request and technology needs. Requests can be submitted at this link: CSI Active Learning Classroom Reservations.

Student staff support is available during your sessions. If you need instructional design assistance or would like to work with FDIC staff on designing sessions appropriate for the CSI, contact 

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Contact Information

Media Relations
Josh Reinhart,
Public Information Coordinator

Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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