Please join us on October 8th for EIU's annual health and wellness fair titled "A Journey to Wellness." This event will feature free flu shots courtsey of the SBL-EIU Medical Clinic and EIU Nursing students, tabling from local vendors and offices on campuses, workshops hosted by EIU staff and faculty as well as outside partners, fitness classes hosted by the EIU Rec Center, a wellness zone full of arts and crafts hosted by UB, and Koji the UPD therapy pet.
Students who attend and participate can be placed into a drawing for various gift cards to locations on-campus and in the Charleston community. Please join us from 2-5 PM at the EIU Recreation Center in Lantz. If you have any questions about the event, please reach out to HERC staff at 217-581-7786.
Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920