Purpose of Presentation:
The purpose of this presentation is to reduce mental health stigma and build healthy coping skills in the Coles County community. Graduate Assistants - Kirsten Paape and Anna Koerwitz - will present a research based presentation, which averages around 45 to 60 minutes.
This effort to spread awareness about mental health is thanks to a grant funded by the Lumpkin Family Foundation. Data is gathered through a short pre & post-test to see the effectiveness of the presentation. No identifying information about the participants is needed or collected for this study.
Participants will be given free self-care bags with snacks and other fun goodies to aid in stress-relief and self-care habits!
This presentation will be catered - free of expense for participants - through Eastern Illinois University Catering. There will be cheese, crackers, fruit, vegetables, a variety of chips, fruit snacks and water provided.
Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920