It is time to begin the process of electing a representative from Eastern Illinois University to the State Universities Civil Service Advisory Committee (known as EAC).
If you are interested in representing Eastern Illinois University on this Advisory Council, Petitions and Statement of Candidacy Forms will become available at the start of business on Friday, September 20 and will also be made available here. Paper forms may be picked up in the Human Resources Director’s Office located in Old Main, Room 2010. The last day to submit the Petition and Statement Candidacy Forms will be close of Business on Friday, September 27.
Candidates who wish to withdraw from the election ballot must do so by Tuesday, October 1.
An official list of candidates and their qualifications will be made available on or before Monday, October 7 or when the number of candidates equals the total number of positions to be filled (1). The election will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 from 8 am to 5 pm for civil service employees only.
To be eligible for nomination and election to membership on this committee, a civil service employee must meet the following qualifications:
Again, forms are available here or may be picked up in Human Resources, Room 2010 Old Main, beginning Friday, September 20.
The appointment term will be for four years, from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2028.
Please review the SUCSAC website which includes the EAC member’s manual and the by-laws for further information. Please feel free to contact Human Resources at 217-581-3514 for questions or information.
Please direct any questions to human resources at or 217-581-3514.
Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920