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EIU Media Relations

University Newsletter

Campus Clocks Update

Our campus clock system (Visiplex) has reached the end of its life.  The receivers in each clock have failed.  The clock system has been evaluated and the University has determined that we will replace some of our clocks with atomic clocks, which is a more cost-effective solution.  Classrooms have been prioritized first and the electricians are in the process of replacing the clocks in academic classrooms.  Clocks in offices and common areas (hallways) will not be replaced and over the coming months will be removed entirely.  Conference rooms are still being inventoried and evaluated.  Work orders no longer need to be submitted for the old campus clocks.  

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Contact Information

Media Relations
Josh Reinhart,
Public Information Coordinator

Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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