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Darwin Day Events

The Darwin Day Program at EIU has occurred every year in February for the past 23 years (except for 2021 and 2022 due to the COVID19 pandemic). It is an international program that highlights and celebrates Charles Darwin’s contributions to science and philosophy ( Our program is meant to be one of outreach to the broader campus community as well as the surrounding areas, with a main theme each year.

This year’s theme is “Evolution in Cities”, a rapidly expanding field in biology with broad implications, from conservation of biodiversity under increasing urbanization stresses to wildlife-friendly urban planning and design. We have been able to invite two leading experts in the field of urban evolution - Drs. Sarah Diamond from Case Western Reserve University and Elsa Anderson from Northwestern University.  

The program this year is made possible by the generous support of the following organizations for helping fund this program: Dept. of Biological Sciences (Chair - Thomas Canam); College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (Dean - Barbara Bonnekessen), Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association of East Central Illinois (President - Suzie Park), Honors College (Dean - Richard England), Provost & VPAA Ryan Hendrickson, and the Biological Sciences Graduate Student Association (BSGSA)

Organizers: Ann Fritz, Gary Fritz, Zhiwei Liu, Elizabeth Peterson, Yordan Yordanov, Elliott Zieman, Kirstin Duffin 

All events are free and open to the public.

  • 7 pm, Sunday, Feb. 11, Coleman Hall 1255, Film: Documentary: "Darwin in Times Square: The Science of Urban Evolution" By Deutsche Wells
  • 7 pm, Monday, Feb. 12, Coleman Hall 1255, "What Darwin Never Dreamed: The Rise of Rapid Evolution in Cities" Dr. Sarah Diamond, Department of Biology, Case Western Reserve University
  • 7 pm, Thursday, Feb. 15, Coleman Hall 1255, "Darwin in the City: Exploring the Future of Urban Ecology and Evolution" Dr. Elsa Anderson, Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences, Northwestern University

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Media Relations
Josh Reinhart,
Public Information Coordinator

Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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