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EIU Media Relations

University Newsletter

The Renewed Interpersonal Violence Awareness Team (formerly known as the Sexual Violence Prevention Team)

The Interpersonal Violence Awareness Team (IVAT), previously known as the Sexual Violence Prevention Team, is a multi-disciplinary team representing Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, and community partners.  Through outreach efforts, the team works to educate EIU’s campus on interpersonal violence and share related resources.  Further information regarding EIU’s commitment to preventing interpersonal violence and supporting survivors of violence is available on the University’s Interpersonal Violence Resources and Prevention website ( 

This website outlines applicable University policies, reporting options, medical considerations, and guidelines for helping others.  Faculty can be supportive in several ways, from requesting a program for a class period to listing reporting options in all the places that they already use to share helpful resources with students (syllabus, D2L, etc.). The QR code below, links to language already drafted for faculty, making it very easy to share with students. The webpage also includes information regarding how to request an outreach program related to interpersonal violence, as well as how the team can assist in promoting a related event you may be hosting (  In addition to the website, IVAT hosts an Instagram account (@eiu_ivat) to support educational and outreach efforts. Please consider following the account.

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Contact Information

Media Relations
Josh Reinhart,
Public Information Coordinator

Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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