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EIU Department of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation

Adult Fitness Featured Members

af featured

Sandy Dettert 

1. What made you want to make a change?

My son, vice president of EIU enrollment, told me about the Adult Fitness Program (AFP) and encouraged me to join. He said, “You have to try this great program. It’s awesome and super cheap!”. That’s what lead me to the AFP, but my health issues really motivated me to be more active and improve my fitness overall. 

2. What changes and commitments did you make?

The first student I worked with encouraged me to do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise and 30 minutes of strength training 3 times a week. She also helped me set a goal of 10,000 steps 5 days a week. I set these goals to lose weight. I continue doing this every week to maintain my weight and because I feel good afterwards.  

3. What role did the Adult Fitness Program have in your fitness journey?

I have met people in the AFP who are disciplined and committed to reaching their goals. I saw their hard work and dedication and that gave me an example to follow. The AFP gave me a place to commit to and people to encourage me every day. I learned something from every student I have met, and I was free to use that information or not. 

4. What does your current exercise routine look like?

It is similar to when I started. I do 30 minutes of lifting weights (strength training) and 30 minutes on the elliptical Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In the last 2 years, I have started doing more free weight exercises in addition to the machines. This program has allowed me to do more yard work and more activities in general without getting as tired as I used to. 

5. What advice would you give others who want to make a change?

You are your own worst enemy. Prepare to be uncomfortable. Be able to listen to others who have more knowledge and apply that information to your life. Join the adult fitness community. They look out for you. When you are gone, they reach out and make sure you are doing ok. It is great to have positive, upbeat people around who truly care about you. 


af feature 2

Janet Koch

1. What made you want to make a change?

“I used to participate in swimming and would do walking and biking. Long ago, a man by the name of Tom Woodall asked and recommended I and others to join the Adult Fitness Program. My curiosity was sparked as I wanted something more community based.” 

2. What changes and commitments did you make?

“I started to incorporate more strength training, as I wanted to improve and develop in that department. I also wanted to be held more accountable, and I continue to show up 3 days a week Monday, Wednesday, Friday every morning.” 

3. What role did the Adult Fitness Program have in your fitness journey?

“I like the routine of it, the social aspect of it, and the accountability. It is nice to have a community of people that hold you to the same standards as themselves and are like-minded. I enjoy improving my physical and mental health, the directors and students, the variety of ages, and the help and interactions of the entire program.”

4. What does your current exercise routine look like?

“I start off my day by walking from home to the gym every morning. I then arrive and start warming up beforehand. When the doors open, I head over to the elliptical and stay there for about an hour or so. Then I begin my resistance training program which includes machines such as pressing, rowing, cables, flies, and legs. I then like to finish the session with some stretching, and then I walk back home.” 

5. What advice would you give others who want to make a change?

“Do it and join! It is a decision to make and you have to move and get out of bed. The benefits outweigh any of the minuses there may be. It will become a habit once you join. As they say, health is wealth!” 


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Contact Information

Department of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation

2506 Lantz Building
Charleston, IL
Fax: (217) 581-7973

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