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EIU Office of International Students and Scholars

Scholarships & Awards

International Student Scholarship

The International Student Scholarship was established by the Board of Trustees to assist students from other countries to attend EIU. Awards are competitive and designed to promote cultural exchange and diversity. Awards may be granted on the basis of one or both of the following factors: financial need and academic excellence. The scholarship pays partial tuition for minimum full-time enrollment in on-campus EIU courses. Fees, field trips, online courses, continuing education delivery charges, travel, living expenses, and other personal expenses are not covered. Scholarship awards are granted for two semesters at a time.  

Criteria to be eligible for the scholarship are as follows:

  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 (undergraduate), 3.25 (graduate), as converted to the EIU grading scale.
  • Full academic admission to a degree program
  • Proof of funding for living expenses and fees 

Deadlines for scholarship applications are as follows:

  • Deadline is Monday, May 15 at 11:59PM Central Time. 


  • Please read the Application Guide here for scholarship questions.
  • Please submit an application in its entirety. Attempts to review the scholarship application without completion will result in your IP address being blocked from the application.  
  • Do not create multiple applications.
  • Please note that scholarships are competitive.
  • Scholarship applications need to be submitted before 11:59PM to be considered eligible for review. 

New, Incoming students only (Applications, please click here)





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Contact Information

Office of International Students and Scholars

2170 Blair Hall
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, Illinois
61920-3099 USA

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