HSL 4225
Practicum in Early Childhood Program Administration
The Practicum in Early Childhood Program Administration (ECPA) is part of the Early Childhood Program Administration Minor. The ECPA Minor provides a comprehensive view of the administration of early childhood care and education programs. Completion of the minor leads to eligibility for the Family Specialists, Illinois Director, and Early Childhood credentials through Gateways to Opportunity.
Learning objectives of the course:
- Participate in the operation of an early childhood program for 120 clock hours
- Design, facilitate, and assess a semester-long Individualized Administrative Plan in collaboration with faculty mentor and on-site
- Reflect on personal and professional growth throughout the practicum
- Create a long-term professional development plan
In order to be eligible for registration in HSL 4225:
- Grade of C or better in HSL 4220 - Administration of Early Childhood Programs
- Good academic standing
- Approval from Department Chair
- Documented acceptance from an early childhood practicum site (e.g., EIU Practicum Agreement Form)
The Practicum Site:
- Provides care and/or programming for at least 10 young children under five for at least two hours
- Example: child care center, YMCA, after-school programs
- Licensed through DCFS
- Involved in Gateways to Opportunity
- Designates someone as Site Supervisor and provides the time and opportunity for professional supervision and mentoring
- Over the age of 21
- Earned at least a bachelor's degree in early childhood or related field
- Involved in Gateways to Opportunity
- Provides the opportunity for 120 hours of on-site interaction
- At least 2/3's time in direct contact with children
- Days/times determined with site
- Site CANNOT be:
- A place of employment (full or part time)
- Owned or operated by a family member or close friend and/or provide care for children that are family or close friends
- Site supervisor must be authorized by the facility to serve in this role
- Complete a Practicum Agreement Form before your practicum begins
- Submit mid-term and final evaluations
- Supervise completion of Individualized Administrative Plan
Due dates for all paperwork for the practicum in Early Childhood Program Administration:
- December 1st for Spring Semester
- April 20th for Summer Semester
- August 1st for Fall Semester
Upon approval of the practicum application, you will be administratively added to the course. If you have not been enrolled into the course by the end of finals week the semester before you are to start your practicum, contact Ms. Alisa Gray. Academic Advisor.