A History with Teacher Licensure in Social Science degree allows students to pursue a degree in History while training and becoming licensed to teach high school social studies. Majors take a core of 33 hours in History courses and are an integral part of the history department. They also take two methods courses within the department, a one-credit Introduction to Teaching Social Studies (SOS 2400) and a three-credit upper-level Teaching Middle Level and Secondary Social Studies (SOS 3400). As Illinois only provides one license for all social science teachers, they also take courses in the other areas of social studies: economics, geography, political science, psychology and sociology-anthropology. Finally, History with Teacher Licensure in Social Science majors enroll in a sequence of professional education courses that culminates in a semester-long student teaching experience.
EIU catalog description of this degree
Social Science Teaching Website
Social Science Teaching Handbook (updated February 2018)
Step-By-Step Guide to a Social Science Teaching Degree (this includes History with Teacher Licensure!)
History with Teacher Licensure in Social Science Degree Checksheet
Checklist for Social Science Teaching Majors
Secondary Education Sequencing Chart
Sample Four Year Plan, History with Teacher Licensure in Social Science
2744 Coleman Hall
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
3531 Coleman Hall
2566 - Coleman Hall
2572 - Coleman Hall
2556 Coleman Hall