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EIU List of Graduates

Degrees have now been officially awarded to more than 720 Fall 2024 graduates at Eastern Illinois University.
Students were certified by their respective deans as having completed all requirements leading to the awarding of degrees.

Name Program
Cabell, Surgene Bachelor of Arts
Congdon, Amanda Master of Science in Education
Gray, Doiakah Bachelor of Arts
Grubb, Dawn MMaster of Science in Education
Hudson, Brittany MBachelor of Arts
McCaskill, Larry DBachelor of Arts
Moon, Tony LMaster of Science
Nalluri, Vishal Kumar Certificate
Nalluri, Vishal Kumar Master of Science
Reed, David LBachelor of Arts
Schultz, Robert MBachelor of Arts
Vadnala, Sai Laxmi Prathyusha Certificate
Vadnala, Sai Laxmi Prathyusha Master of Science


Name City Program
Kessie, Joseph DACCRAMaster of Science
Utnoor, Nikhil Sagar AdilabadMaster of Science
Utnoor, Nikhil Sagar AdilabadCertificate
Bovard, Jeanette LAltamontBachelor of Science
Scholes, Avyree MAltamontBachelor of Science in Ed
Inda, Andrew PAltonMaster of Science
Pruitt, Maci JAnnapolisBachelor of Science in Ed
Van Hyfte, Drake SAnnawanBachelor of Science in Bus
Martinez, Selena MArcolaBachelor of Arts
McLane, Andrea BArcolaMaster of Business Admin
Kotti, Ishika ArlingtonCertificate
Kotti, Ishika ArlingtonMaster of Science
Hamilton, Jarren BArlington HeightsBachelor of Arts
Yost, Matthew JArlington HtsBachelor of Arts
Blanton, Lexi GAshmoreBachelor of Science in Ed
Eskew, Melia LAshmoreBachelor of Science in Bus
Newby, Ricky RAshmoreBachelor of Arts
Shire, Pascha IAshmoreBachelor of Science
Daniels, Jacob AAssumptionBachelor of Science in Bus
Collins-Armstrong, Cristina AtlantaMaster of Arts
Colton, Ryan AuroraCertificate
Kline, Josh VAuroraBachelor of Science
Stenhouse, Kayla SAuroraBachelor of Arts
Ojomo, Efosa EAustinCertificate
Ojomo, Efosa EAustinMaster of Science
Kammili, Mohan Avanigadda, KrishnaCertificate
Kammili, Mohan Avanigadda, KrishnaMaster of Science
Baro, Tommy JAvistonMaster of Science in Education


Name City Program
Marks, Steven MBakersfieldMaster of Science
Schlich, Jakeb EBellevilleMaster of Arts
Hinojosa, Eric DBelvidereMaster of Science
Hinojosa, Eric DBelvidereCertificate
Hinojosa, Eric DBelvidereCertificate
Davenport, Carson LBementBachelor of Science
Garcia, Marisol BensenvilleBachelor of Science
Enriquez, Angel BerwynBachelor of Science
Brown, Macy JBethanyBachelor of Science
Rinker, Morgan GBettendorfBachelor of Science in Bus
Klinetobe, Janel EBloomingdaleCertificate
Limbachiya, Kajal SBloomingdaleBachelor of Science
Holland, Laura RBloomingtonMaster of Science
Martinez, Lidia OBloomingtonBachelor of Science
Sassano, Randi LBloomingtonBachelor of Arts
Anderson, Khalid ABolingbrookBachelor of Science in Bus
O'Brien, Lily EBolingbrookBachelor of Science in Ed
Frykholm, Autumn ABowling GreenMaster of Science in Education
Smith, Emma ABridgeportBachelor of Arts
Druen, Cassie LBuffalo GroveCertificate
Anderson, Brendon TBufordBachelor of Arts


Name City Program
Criddell, Terrence CCalumet CityBachelor of Arts
Watson, Liberty GCamargoBachelor of Science in Ed
Poorman, Kolten KCape GirardeauBachelor of Science
Gaston, Jonathan RCarbondaleBachelor of Science in Ed
Grafton, Kara LCarlinvilleMaster of Arts
Tarquin, Taryn NCarlsbadBachelor of Science
Snow, Camden RCarlyleBachelor of Science
Mirza, Eli CarmichaelBachelor of Arts
Sung, Biak Carol StreamBachelor of Science in Bus
Powell, Stephanie GCartervilleMaster of Arts
Snell, Kathryn CaryMaster of Science in Education
Stallings, Shay DCaseyBachelor of Arts
Johnson-Swartz, Tera Castle RockCertificate
Johnson-Swartz, Tera Castle RockMaster of Arts
Coureur, Craig JCastriesBachelor of Science
Escamilla, Melissa JCatlinMaster of Science in Education
Anderson-Nolan, Karla SChampaignMaster of Science
Buttry, Madison GChampaignBachelor of Science
Christhilf, Jamie LChampaignBachelor of Arts
Clements, Hayden RChampaignBachelor of Arts
Dimitri, Isela RChampaignBachelor of Science in Ed
Imtiaz, Ayesha NChampaignBachelor of Science
Jones, Vanessa JChampaignMaster of Science
Konala, Sailaja ChampaignMaster of Science
Konala, Sailaja ChampaignCertificate
Lee, Jeremiah JChampaignBachelor of Arts
McCoy, Brianna AChampaignBachelor of Science
Miller, Angie PChampaignBachelor of Science
Norcross, Andrew BChampaignBachelor of Science in Ed
Pentti, Allison MChampaignMaster of Science in Education
Robinson-Kelly, Toniya EChampaignBachelor of Science in Ed
Schideman, Anneliese KChampaignBachelor of Arts
Winfrey, Tanya DChampaignBachelor of Science in Ed
Ajewole, Boluwatife SCharlestonMaster of Science
Akinyemi, Ayomide DCharlestonMaster of Science
Akinyemi, Ayomide DCharlestonMaster of Business Admin
Banala, Sree Sharvani CharlestonCertificate
Banala, Sree Sharvani CharlestonMaster of Science
Bankapuri, Venkata YCharlestonMaster of Science
Bankapuri, Venkata YCharlestonCertificate
Beckham, Mason TCharlestonBachelor of Science in Bus
Belcher, Logan LCharlestonBachelor of Arts
Bio, Dennis BCharlestonMaster of Business Admin
Biradar, Murali Goud CharlestonMaster of Science
Bisalamanepalli, Bhavitha CharlestonMaster of Science
Bisalamanepalli, Bhavitha CharlestonCertificate
Bobburi, Vishal Chowdary CharlestonCertificate
Bobburi, Vishal Chowdary CharlestonMaster of Science
Bolleddu, Akanksha Christeena CharlestonCertificate
Bolleddu, Akanksha Christeena CharlestonMaster of Science
Bolugoddu, Adithya Nagasai CharlestonMaster of Science
Bradbury, Emily KCharlestonBachelor of Science in Bus
Bui, Anh HCharlestonCertificate
Bui, Anh HCharlestonMaster of Science
Carlos, Lutete CCharlestonMaster of Business Admin
Carter, Tiffany LCharlestonBachelor of Science
Centers, Ian JCharlestonMaster of Science
Centers, Ian JCharlestonCertificate
Chinchilla, Rigoberto CharlestonBachelor of Arts
Datti, Deva Sai Charan CharlestonMaster of Science
Datti, Deva Sai Charan CharlestonCertificate
Djabaku, Hannah CharlestonMaster of Arts
Ehmann, Oliver DCharlestonBachelor of Science in Bus
Ehmann, Oliver DCharlestonBachelor of Science in Bus
Ehmann, Oliver DCharlestonBachelor of Science in Bus
Fisher, Bri LCharlestonBachelor of Science in Ed
Fonseca, Mallorie BCharlestonMaster of Science
Foster, Regiana JCharlestonBachelor of Science in Ed
Foxberries, Bennu ACharlestonBachelor of Science
Fridge, Tienne DCharlestonBachelor of Arts
Gardner, Dayden WCharlestonBachelor of Arts
George, Danielle GCharlestonBachelor of Science in Bus
Giriyappagari, Naga Sowmya CharlestonCertificate
Giriyappagari, Naga Sowmya CharlestonMaster of Science
Golden, John MCharlestonBachelor of Arts
Gordon, Joshua ACharlestonBachelor of Science
Gundu, Shashi Kumar CharlestonCertificate
Gundu, Shashi Kumar CharlestonMaster of Science
Guthikonda, Harsha Vardhan Reddy CharlestonCertificate
Guthikonda, Harsha Vardhan Reddy CharlestonMaster of Science
Hawley, Kennie ACharlestonMaster of Science
Hightower, Vanessa MCharlestonBachelor of Arts
Jonnakuti, Anil CharlestonCertificate
Jonnakuti, Anil CharlestonMaster of Science
Kamarthi, Sai Yogesh CharlestonMaster of Science
Kamarthi, Sai Yogesh CharlestonCertificate
Kayita, Pavan Kumar CharlestonCertificate
Kayita, Pavan Kumar CharlestonMaster of Science
Kemper, Kody ACharlestonBachelor of Arts
Kommineni, Pooja CharlestonCertificate
Kommineni, Pooja CharlestonMaster of Science
Kowalewski, Caleb RCharlestonBachelor of Arts
Kurtz, Mason CCharlestonBachelor of Music
Lahr, Autumn DCharlestonMaster of Science
Lawless, Cade HCharlestonBachelor of Science
LeCrone, Taylor BCharlestonBachelor of Science
Lnu, Mohammed Moinuddin Qureshi CharlestonMaster of Science
Lnu, Mohammed Moinuddin Qureshi CharlestonCertificate
Madlem, Wyatt CharlestonBachelor of Science in Bus
Malempati, Venkata Vamsi Krishana CharlestonMaster of Science
Malempati, Venkata Vamsi Krishana CharlestonCertificate
Mayhall, Blain ACharlestonMaster of Science in Education
Mittai, Menaka CharlestonCertificate
Mittai, Menaka CharlestonMaster of Science
Mvilakanda, Daniel LCharlestonBachelor of Science
Nancharla, Akhilesh CharlestonMaster of Science
Nancharla, Akhilesh CharlestonCertificate
Narina, Dileep CharlestonCertificate
Narina, Dileep CharlestonMaster of Science
Narravula, Sai lahari CharlestonMaster of Science
Narravula, Sai lahari CharlestonCertificate
Nelamally, Nikhil CharlestonMaster of Science
Nelamally, Nikhil CharlestonCertificate
Niemann, Erica LCharlestonBachelor of Fine Arts
Nwaojei, Ken CCharlestonMaster of Science
Odubote, Mary OCharlestonMaster of Science
Odwarka, Amy CCharlestonMaster of Arts
Ogunyemi, Feyisayo MCharlestonMaster of Science
Okoye, Sandra CCharlestonMaster of Science
Onuselogu, Esther ECharlestonMaster of Science
Palumari, Sahithi CharlestonCertificate
Palumari, Sahithi CharlestonMaster of Science
Palumari, Sai Pranay Yadav CharlestonMaster of Science
Palumari, Sai Pranay Yadav CharlestonCertificate
Panakanti, Indu CharlestonCertificate
Panakanti, Indu CharlestonMaster of Science
Pappoe, Prince KCharlestonMaster of Science
Pares, Sebastian LCharlestonMaster of Business Admin
Parupalli, Chikitha CharlestonMaster of Science
Parupalli, Chikitha CharlestonCertificate
Pearson, Alex LCharlestonBachelor of Arts
Pemmareddy, Sai Pradeep Reddy CharlestonMaster of Science
Pemmareddy, Sai Pradeep Reddy CharlestonCertificate
Perala, Akshaya CharlestonMaster of Science
Perala, Akshaya CharlestonCertificate
Piercey, Dalton JCharlestonBachelor of Arts
Poonreddy, Sirisha Reddy CharlestonMaster of Science
Poonreddy, Sirisha Reddy CharlestonCertificate
Pulivarthi, Sahithi CharlestonMaster of Science
Pulivarthi, Sahithi CharlestonCertificate
Qaiser, Zainab CharlestonBachelor of Science
Rompicherla, Shamanth Reddy CharlestonCertificate
Rompicherla, Shamanth Reddy CharlestonMaster of Science
Sanders, Haley CCharlestonMaster of Science
Sandiri, Anantha Sai CharlestonMaster of Science
Sandiri, Anantha Sai CharlestonCertificate
Shaffer, Shaterica LCharlestonBachelor of Science
Simmons, Hailey LCharlestonBachelor of Arts
Singareddy, Vijesh Reddy CharlestonCertificate
Singareddy, Vijesh Reddy CharlestonMaster of Science
Situmbeko, Nk'isu SCharlestonBachelor of Arts
Siwecki-Wilder, Angelo JCharlestonBachelor of Science
Socarras, Jordan JCharlestonBachelor of Science in Bus
Spour, Cory SCharlestonBachelor of Science in Bus
Sunkara, Venkata Pavan Kalyan CharlestonCertificate
Sunkara, Venkata Pavan Kalyan CharlestonMaster of Science
Taylor, Terrance MCharlestonBachelor of Science
Thota, Navya CharlestonCertificate
Thota, Navya CharlestonMaster of Science
Tresslar, Ben TCharlestonBachelor of Science
Williams, Deonte TCharlestonMaster of Business Admin
Wojtysiak, Isabelle ACharlestonBachelor of Arts
Yenuganti, Nikhil CharlestonCertificate
Yenuganti, Nikhil CharlestonMaster of Science
Yerra, Devanand Reddy CharlestonMaster of Science
Yerra, Devanand Reddy CharlestonCertificate
Duggirala, Pranavi CharlotteMaster of Science
Duggirala, Pranavi CharlotteCertificate
Ham, Madison VChattanoogaMaster of Arts
Ahmed, Syed Bashar ChicagoMaster of Science
Ahmed, Syed Bashar ChicagoCertificate
Bergee, Brandon KChicagoMaster of Science in Education
Fujie, Michiru ChicagoBachelor of Arts
Gonzalez, Aaliyah NChicagoBachelor of Science
Johnson, D'Angelo ChicagoBachelor of Arts
Johnson, Jamari NChicagoBachelor of Science
Mbouombouo, Carol BChicagoBachelor of Science
Moffett-Wilson, Da'Sean WChicagoMaster of Arts
Myles, Niesy JChicagoBachelor of Arts
Palmer, Sarah CChicagoMaster of Science in Education
Perusich, Jim MChicagoMaster of Arts
Randle-Hampton, Jamaal EChicagoBachelor of Science
Rawls, Tyrese ChicagoBachelor of Arts
Robinson, Dajon CChicagoBachelor of Science
Shim, Eugene LChicagoBachelor of Science
Shockley, Heather PChicagoBachelor of Science
Smith, Jennifer RChicagoBachelor of Arts
Tobias, Jenna MChicagoBachelor of Arts
Turner, Brian EChicagoBachelor of Arts
Ware, Nahshon MChicagoBachelor of Science in Bus
Willis, Maverick TChicagoBachelor of Science in Bus
Mamellapalli, Bala Bhaskararao ChilakaluripatCertificate
Mamellapalli, Bala Bhaskararao ChilakaluripatMaster of Science
Donovan, Alexander SChillicotheBachelor of Arts
Rollins, Robbie LChrismanBachelor of Science
Smith, Chad HCincinnatiBachelor of Science
Kesner, Devyn BClay CityBachelor of Arts
Young, Amaria BClaytonvilleBachelor of Science
Knittel, Hussien WCoal CityBachelor of Science
Franciskovich, Alicia NCollinsvilleBachelor of Science
Smith, Gabby ECollinsvilleBachelor of Science in Ed
Buchanan, Cody WConwayMaster of Science
Clay, Justin LCordovaMaster of Arts
Townsend, Cc MCountry Club HillsBachelor of Science
Perkins, Samantha FCovingtonMaster of Science
Crowder, Angel CreteBachelor of Science
Burnice, Shawna MCreve CoeurBachelor of Arts
Aldridge, Mackenzie SCrystal LakeBachelor of Science


Name City Program
Browning, Jason MDanvilleBachelor of Arts
Grites, Jenny NDanvilleBachelor of Science
Gullotta, Isabella RDanvilleBachelor of Fine Arts
Lomax, Kelsie JDanvilleMaster of Science in Education
Meidel, Emily GDanvilleBachelor of Science in Ed
Owen, Jacob MDanvilleBachelor of Fine Arts
Parker, Maria BDanvilleMaster of Science in Education
Russell, Jillian RDanvilleBachelor of Arts
Smith, Tyler KDanvilleBachelor of Science
Thomas, Hallee JDanvilleBachelor of Science in Ed
Uppuluri, Archana DanvilleProfessional Science Masters
Bauer, Dylan DecaturMaster of Science
Briar, Evan JDecaturMaster of Science in Education
Drew, Courtney EDecaturBachelor of Science in Ed
Handley, Ivy MDecaturMaster of Science in Education
Morrell, Coop DDecaturBachelor of Arts
Smith, Starr SDes PlainesBachelor of Science
Zarin, Khadiza SDes PlainesBachelor of Science
Egan, Sara VDieterichBachelor of Science
Digrazia, Sara CDixonMaster of Science
Harrison, Monic ADoltonBachelor of Science in Bus
Williams, Justin NDoltonBachelor of Science
O'Rourke, Makenna DDownsBachelor of Fine Arts
Brittain, Brandi lDpoMaster of Arts
Keith, Phoebe GDu QuoinBachelor of Science in Ed


Name City Program
Mosley, Jasmine Monee E. Saint LouisBachelor of Arts
Grinter, Autumn LEdwardsvilleBachelor of Science in Bus
Tillerson, Michaela MEdwardsvilleBachelor of Science
Baker, Kelsey JEffinghamSpecialist in Education
Brown, Taylor NEffinghamBachelor of Science
Kohli, Amel NEffinghamBachelor of Science
Moore, Christopher SEffinghamBachelor of Science
Nantes, Isabella WEffinghamBachelor of Arts
Peddycoart, Autumn HEffinghamBachelor of Science in Ed
Spantiko, Brandon JElginBachelor of Science
Montemayor, Kayla MElk Grove VillageBachelor of Science
Williams, Mya AElmhurstBachelor of Science in Bus
Landry, Adam JElyriaMaster of Science
Gromova, Lisa AEssentukiBachelor of Arts
Fishpaugh, Nathan REvanstonBachelor of Science
Smith, Jade EEvergreen ParkBachelor of Arts


Name City Program
Hoffman, Briley DFairburyBachelor of Science
Shawback, Adam MFairburyBachelor of Science
Goll, Hope EFairfaxBachelor of Arts
Lyons, Donnie EFairfieldMaster of Science in Education
Norton, Megan Welch KFairmountBachelor of Arts
Houser, Madi RFarmer CityBachelor of Science in Ed
Dhliwayo, Vanzal FarmingtonBachelor of Arts
Schalk, Craig FentonCertificate
Schalk, Craig FentonMaster of Arts
Cummins, Raymond CFindlayBachelor of Arts
Zimmerman, Sophie RFindlayBachelor of Science in Ed
Reedy, Braden MFisherBachelor of Arts
Stauffer, Jordan MFisherBachelor of Arts
Hemrich, Krista NFlat RockBachelor of Science
Goff, Mackenzie JFloraBachelor of Science in Bus
Frank, Danielle NFlorissantMaster of Science
Golden, Shedrick DFlossmoorMaster of Science
Golden, Shedrick DFlossmoorCertificate
Lofton, Anthony NForest ParkBachelor of Science
Sharp, Paul JFrederickMaster of Arts
Gober, Cole GFreeburgBachelor of Science
Callaway, Andrea NFreeportMaster of Arts
Adavala, Tejaswini FresnoCertificate
Adavala, Tejaswini FresnoMaster of Science
Chinthakindi, Malavika FriscoCertificate
Chinthakindi, Malavika FriscoMaster of Science


Name City Program
Nishankara, Lakshmi Kalyani GaithersburgMaster of Science
Hankes, Brianne LGalesburgMaster of Arts
Brown, Monica GaryBachelor of Arts
Nichols, Danielle LGaryMaster of Arts
Strako, Tyler SGeorgetownBachelor of Science
Ward, Ivy NGibson CityBachelor of Arts
Nshimiyimana, Emmanuel GlassboroMaster of Business Admin
Barrett, Hannah IGlen CarbonMaster of Science in Education
Charleston, Dakotah TGlen CarbonBachelor of Science
Kosho, Sadiya AGlen EllynBachelor of Arts
Moran, Emilie Glen EllynBachelor of Arts
Vegesna, Bharathi gollalakoderuCertificate
Vegesna, Bharathi gollalakoderuMaster of Science
Fair, Janiya RGranite CityBachelor of Science
Fritts, Tisha RGreenupBachelor of Science in Bus
Groves, Beth GGreenvilleMaster of Science
Battula, Rajesh GUNTUR Certificate
Battula, Rajesh GUNTUR Master of Science
Kondramutla, Venkata Lakshmi Vybhavi GUNTURCertificate
Kondramutla, Venkata Lakshmi Vybhavi GUNTURMaster of Science


Name City Program
Burton, Adriana MHammondBachelor of Arts
Tunstall, Aryanna DHamptonBachelor of Science
Barnes, Lerhashnia LHanover ParkBachelor of Arts
Mediboina, Malleswari HartfordMaster of Science
Mediboina, Malleswari HartfordCertificate
Munduru, Satya Sarasu Dedeepya HartfordMaster of Science
Munduru, Satya Sarasu Dedeepya HartfordCertificate
Sure, Gowthami HartfordMaster of Science
Sure, Gowthami HartfordCertificate
Prusow, Lexi AHartlandBachelor of Science
Kirby, Meadow SHeyworthBachelor of Arts
Kronk, Megan MHighlandBachelor of Science
Wascher, Christian JHighlandBachelor of Science in Bus
Hill, De'Sean THomewoodBachelor of Science
Montero, Naiomy MHoustonBachelor of Arts
Uphoff, Bryce MHumboldtBachelor of Science
Boini, Naresh HyderabadCertificate
Boini, Naresh HyderabadMaster of Science
Bolle, Vijay Kumar Hyderabad Certificate
Bolle, Vijay Kumar Hyderabad Master of Science
Dareddy, Vinay Reddy HyderabadMaster of Science
Dareddy, Vinay Reddy HyderabadCertificate
Hemamalini, Sirasanam Bati HyderabadMaster of Science
Hemamalini, Sirasanam Bati HyderabadCertificate
Kolli, Reddy Raja HyderabadCertificate
Kolli, Reddy Raja HyderabadMaster of Science
Maheshwaram, Karthik HyderabadCertificate
Maheshwaram, Karthik HyderabadMaster of Science
Vaspari, Rahul THyderabadCertificate
Vaspari, Rahul THyderabadMaster of Science
Veeramachaneni, Vijay Varma HyderabadCertificate
Veeramachaneni, Vijay Varma HyderabadMaster of Science


Name City Program
Torimiro, Samuel OIle- IfeMaster of Science
Torimiro, Samuel OIle- IfeCertificate
Anderson, Meghan GIndianapolisMaster of Science in Education
Bhonagiri, ShabariNath IndianapolisMaster of Science
Bhonagiri, ShabariNath IndianapolisCertificate
Vadlamudi, Upender IndianapolisCertificate
Vadlamudi, Upender IndianapolisMaster of Science
Young, Megan BIndianolaMaster of Science in Education


Name City Program
Roberts, Claire EJerseyvilleBachelor of Arts
Flaherty, Andrew JolietMaster of Arts
Sinram, Kevin MJolietBachelor of Science


Name City Program
Schumann, Christine AKampsvilleMaster of Science in Education
Gall, Madeline KKankakeeBachelor of Arts
Shick, Cristine EKansasMaster of Science
Shick, Cristine EKansasMaster of Science
Purushotham, Hamsika KARIMNAGARCertificate
Purushotham, Hamsika KARIMNAGARMaster of Science
Udayani, Yalamandala KhammamCertificate
Udayani, Yalamandala KhammamMaster of Science
Gipson, Terrance DKingwoodBachelor of Science
Blomberg, Michelle RKinmundyMaster of Science


Name City Program
Jacobs, Drew JLake BluffBachelor of Science
Cheepati, Sunil Kumar Reddy LathropCertificate
Cheepati, Sunil Kumar Reddy LathropMaster of Science
Asomba, Ikenna TLawrencevilleMaster of Arts
Svika, Elsie JLawrencevilleBachelor of Arts
Schlueter, Emily CLemontBachelor of Science in Bus
Shores, Jayden NLernaBachelor of Science
Smith, Dee DLexingtonBachelor of Science
Holison, Faith ELilburnMaster of Business Admin
Potla, Vyshnavi LindenMaster of Science
Potla, Vyshnavi LindenCertificate
Hawkins, Alex JLisleMaster of Arts
Evans, Carol ALittle RockBachelor of Arts
Lamacki, Alexandra FLockportBachelor of Science in Ed
Lattuca, Olivia ALockportBachelor of Science
Salazar, Traci ALos AngelesMaster of Arts
Salazar, Traci ALos AngelesCertificate
Hale, Reaghan NLouisvilleBachelor of Arts
Day, Hunter JLovingtonBachelor of Science
Graham, Marla LovingtonSpecialist in Education


Name City Program
Wojcicki, Mckenna RMacombMaster of Arts
Tran, Lynn EMagnoliaBachelor of Science
Kenguire, Rahul mahabubnagarCertificate
Kenguire, Rahul mahabubnagarMaster of Science
Butzin, Kimberly KMahometBachelor of Arts
Petersen, Alissa JMahometBachelor of Science in Ed
Webb, Sarah LMahometBachelor of Arts
Wygant, Correy WMahometBachelor of Science
Pinter, Corey SMaldenBachelor of Science in Bus
Bradford, Cory AMaltaBachelor of Arts
Dooley, Ellen MManhattanBachelor of Science in Ed
Ellison, Benjamin JManitoMaster of Arts
Talamonti, Anthony DMantenoBachelor of Arts
Van Doornik, Leah MaplewoodMaster of Arts
Vaughn, Khiyah BMarkhamBachelor of Arts
Atkinson, Jacob WMattoonBachelor of Science
Bookland, Jeremy SMattoonBachelor of Science
Cook, Hailey MMattoonBachelor of Science
Donaldson, Meah JMattoonBachelor of Science in Ed
Doty, Nicholas SMattoonBachelor of Arts
Gasperini, Anthony MMattoonBachelor of Arts
Hetzel, Ali NMattoonBachelor of Science in Bus
Higdon, Cheyanne DMattoonBachelor of Science
Hurt, Jen LMattoonBachelor of Science
Keith, Whitney RMattoonBachelor of Arts
Leonauskas, Kayce MMattoonBachelor of Arts
Masulis, Emily JMattoonBachelor of Science
McKibben, Miriam JMattoonBachelor of Science in Ed
Miller, Kaleb RMattoonBachelor of Arts
Miller, Megan LMattoonBachelor of Science in Ed
Nation, Hannah LMattoonBachelor of Arts
Neely, Niani LMattoonBachelor of Science
Pilson, Jack DMattoonBachelor of Science in Bus
Reynolds, Christina MMattoonBachelor of Science
Sutton, Devlon SMattoonMaster of Science
Thomas, Megan NMattoonBachelor of Science
Thompson, Cayla BMattoonBachelor of Science in Ed
Vail, Jesse OMattoonBachelor of Science
Dalesio, Danielle FMcDonoughMaster of Science
Kallem, Sai Teja MedchalCertificate
Kallem, Sai Teja MedchalMaster of Science
Goetz, Melissa EMeridianBachelor of Science
Godina, Madelyn AMetamoraBachelor of Science
Jackson, Dya MMetropolisBachelor of Arts
Bruce, William EMiddletownBachelor of Science
Williams, Andy RMiddletownMaster of Arts
Tooke, Jacob RMokenaBachelor of Arts
Tooke, Jacob RMokenaBachelor of Science
Wasso, Jenna KMokenaMaster of Science in Education
Yager, Katrina MMokenaMaster of Science in Education
Yager, Samantha MMokenaMaster of Science in Education
Rangel-Trimble, Karima MolineBachelor of Science
Bell, Azaria JMoneeBachelor of Arts
Gentil, Carrie LMontgomeryBachelor of Science
Houser, Colin CMonticelloBachelor of Science
Miller, Josi AMonticelloBachelor of Science in Ed
Olsen, Kaelan RMonticelloBachelor of Science in Bus
Rupkey, Terri MMonticelloMaster of Science
Helmink, Becky RMontroseBachelor of Arts
Weber, Aiden RMoroBachelor of Arts
Thompson, Josh JMortonProfessional Science Masters
Huf, Anna Mount CalvaryMaster of Science
Berry, Ashley MMount PulaskiMaster of Science
Dillman, Andrew CMount VernonSpecialist in Education
Keele, Kylee MMount VernonBachelor of Science in Ed
Delgado, Haley EMt ZionBachelor of Science in Bus
Moore, Jeremy HMt ZionMaster of Science in Education
Albert, Kaelyn AMt. ZionBachelor of Arts
Hanscom, Jonathon TMundeleinBachelor of Arts


Name City Program
Gummadavelli, Karthik NalgondaMaster of Science
Gummadavelli, Karthik NalgondaCertificate
Gutha, Sai Srujana Reddy NalgondaCertificate
Gutha, Sai Srujana Reddy NalgondaMaster of Science
Tanelus, Elkhanan NaplesMaster of Science
Tanelus, Elkhanan NaplesCertificate
Cawthon, Christina ANashvilleMaster of Arts
Morris, Joe RNashvilleBachelor of Science
Jallipeta, Prudhvi Raj NELLOREMaster of Science
Jallipeta, Prudhvi Raj NELLORECertificate
Maddineni, Dheeraj CNELLORECertificate
Maddineni, Dheeraj CNELLOREMaster of Science
Paluru, Sai Sundeep Kumar NELLORECertificate
Paluru, Sai Sundeep Kumar NELLOREMaster of Science
Surabhi, Vaibhav KNelloreMaster of Science
Surabhi, Vaibhav KNelloreCertificate
Udayagiri, Leela ANELLOREMaster of Science
Udayagiri, Leela ANELLORECertificate
Ballinger, Reece WNeogaBachelor of Arts
Fogarty, Nolan ENeogaBachelor of Science in Bus
Hill, Penny RNeogaMaster of Science in Education
Potter, Hallie ENeogaBachelor of Science
Schafer, Rachel CNeogaMaster of Science in Education
Wagoner, Susan MNeogaBachelor of Science
Fegett, Samuel LNewmanMaster of Science
Flowers, Olivia LNewtonBachelor of Science in Bus
Griffith, Claire RNewtonBachelor of Science in Ed
Ross, Emily KNewtonBachelor of Music
Gunjala, Sai Teja NirmalMaster of Science
Gunjala, Sai Teja NirmalCertificate
Burra, Rohan Goud NIZAMABADCertificate
Burra, Rohan Goud NIZAMABADMaster of Science
Dhathila, Sukanya NizamabadMaster of Science
Dhathila, Sukanya NizamabadCertificate
Benson, Noah ENormalBachelor of Arts
O'Grady, Mindy KNormalBachelor of Science
Shoot, Jacinda ANormalMaster of Science
Fetzer, Jennifer LNorth AuroraBachelor of Science
Provost, Jordan JNorth Las VegasMaster of Arts
Navarrete-Cooper, Jose LNorthlakeBachelor of Science in Ed


Name City Program
Dubiel, Taryn Oak ForestMaster of Science in Education
Jankowski, Meghan EOak ForestBachelor of Science
Stanislawek, Luz MOak LawnBachelor of Science in Ed
Goodson, Marie Oak ParkMaster of Arts
Bennett, Christian JOaklandBachelor of Science
Johnson, Tiffany LOakwoodMaster of Science in Education
Heuer, Carl OgdenSpecialist in Education
Willfong, Jimmy BOgdenBachelor of Arts
Key, Kristi Oklahoma CityCertificate
Stephenson, Ben POlneyBachelor of Science in Bus
Wood, Daelyn ROlneyBachelor of Science
Wyatt, Heaven LOlneyBachelor of Science in Ed
Mannem, Anudeep ONGOLECertificate
Mannem, Anudeep ONGOLEMaster of Science
Kopca, Joseph AOrland ParkBachelor of Arts


Name City Program
Addala, Srisai NP GannavaramCertificate
Addala, Srisai NP GannavaramMaster of Science
Gregory, Joey MPalos ParkBachelor of Science in Bus
Arp, Millie EParisMaster of Arts
Bennett, Jeffery AParisBachelor of Science
Martin, Karson MParisBachelor of Science
Street, Roxanne EPaxtonBachelor of Arts
Morphis, Mykaela MPekinBachelor of Arts
Rendleman, Dawn MPekinMaster of Science
Kestner, Maxwell JPeoriaMaster of Arts
Mancuso, Joseph SPesotumBachelor of Science
Craig, Brianna PPhiloBachelor of Science
Gavel, Jennifer LPhiloBachelor of Science in Bus
Sappenfield, Paige NPhiloBachelor of Science
Su, Lindsey LPhiloBachelor of Arts
Devore, Abby LPlainfieldBachelor of Arts
Metzger, Kathleen EPlainfieldMaster of Arts
McMullen, Jacqolyn APoplar GroveBachelor of Arts
Toutanji, Kyce HPortageBachelor of Science
Nukala, Jyothi Satya Pradeep PrakasamMaster of Science
Nukala, Jyothi Satya Pradeep PrakasamCertificate
Nkombua, Oli DPretoriaMaster of Science
Nkombua, Oli DPretoriaCertificate
Butler, Emily EProspect HeightsBachelor of Arts


Name City Program
Loos, Lucas DQuincyBachelor of Science
Stevens, Joshua AQuincyBachelor of Arts


Name City Program
Rosenberger, Christa RamseyMaster of Science in Education
Srinivas, Pudutha ranga reddyCertificate
Srinivas, Pudutha ranga reddyMaster of Science
Bondugula, Abhinav Reddy RangareddyMaster of Science
Bondugula, Abhinav Reddy RangareddyCertificate
Shravan Kumar, Shravan RangareddyMaster of Science
Shravan Kumar, Shravan RangareddyCertificate
Duddleston, Veronica GRantoulBachelor of Science
Hinkley, Krista RantoulCertificate
Roberts, Robert IRichton ParkBachelor of Arts
Bost, Asya RiverdaleBachelor of Arts
Daubs, Kyle GRoanokeCertificate
Daubs, Kyle GRoanokeMaster of Arts
Dill, Paige ERobinsonMaster of Arts
Hill, Trevor JRobinsonBachelor of Arts
Slaughter, Cade MRobinsonMaster of Arts
Tangman, Haleigh ERobinsonBachelor of Arts
Thurman, Dayton MRobinsonBachelor of Science
Chapman, Gracie RochelleBachelor of Arts
Marzorati, Jack DRockfordBachelor of Arts
Wilson, Noah ARolling MeadowsBachelor of Arts
Wood, Allison LRosamondBachelor of Science


Name City Program
Wells, Katie CSadorusMaster of Arts
Emerson, Michael JSaint AnneMaster of Science
Backer, Kylee TSaint CharlesBachelor of Science in Ed
Grzeskowiak, Jenna LSaint CharlesBachelor of Science
Simoncelli, Tiffany RSaint CharlesMaster of Arts
Adams, Kyann NSaint JosephBachelor of Arts
Mills, Bailey JSaint JosephBachelor of Arts
Morris, Megan RSaint JosephBachelor of Arts
Gine, Akhil Kumar Reddy Saint LouisMaster of Science
Gine, Akhil Kumar Reddy Saint LouisCertificate
Herman, Brooklyn JSainte MarieBachelor of Science in Ed
Balla, Ivy SSalemMaster of Science in Education
Pogue, Kelsey ASalemMaster of Science in Education
Kendall, Erich BSanta ClausMaster of Arts
Buccapatnam, Bhargav SAROORNAGARCertificate
Buccapatnam, Bhargav SAROORNAGARMaster of Science
Abbott, Elizabeth KSavoyBachelor of Science in Ed
Baddam, Abhivardhan Reddy SavoyCertificate
Baddam, Abhivardhan Reddy SavoyMaster of Science
Beckett, Andrea LSavoyBachelor of Science
Blache, Norah JSavoyBachelor of Science
Hettmansberger, Kaytlyn MSavoyMaster of Science in Education
Jackson, Rachel ESavoyBachelor of Science
Sterling, Josh SSavoyBachelor of Arts
Lozada, Ethan CSchiller ParkBachelor of Arts
Rama, Navya SECUNDERABADCertificate
Rama, Navya SECUNDERABADMaster of Science
Johnson, Jacqueline AShelbyvilleBachelor of Arts
McCarter, Alejandra AShelbyvilleBachelor of Science in Bus
Hofmann, Grayson WShorewoodMaster of Science
Thatikonda, Nikhilesh Reddy SiddipetMaster of Science
Thatikonda, Nikhilesh Reddy SiddipetCertificate
Walk, Isaac JSigelBachelor of Science in Bus
Lesesne, Nessa LSimpsonvilleMaster of Science
Zettler, Jamie LSmithvilleMaster of Arts
Burns, Imani South HollandBachelor of Science
Ainley, Faith ASpringfieldBachelor of Arts
Grady, Aidan JSpringfieldBachelor of Arts
Ares, Kelsey HSt CharlesBachelor of Arts
McGinnis, Kayla EStanfordBachelor of Arts
Garcia, Gabriela RStreatorBachelor of Arts
Assell, Elizabeth ASugar GroveMaster of Science in Education
Lane, Caleb MSullivanBachelor of Science
Pearson, Alyssa MSullivanBachelor of Science
Ruppert, Makenzie JSullivanBachelor of Science in Ed
DeVito, Madeline RSycamoreCertificate
DeVito, Madeline RSycamoreMaster of Arts


Name City Program
Penny, Ashley RTemeculaMaster of Science
Ganta, Sai Ram Terre HauteMaster of Science
Ganta, Sai Ram Terre HauteCertificate
Mossman, Diana RTeutopolisBachelor of Science
Niemerg, Olivia NTeutopolisBachelor of Science in Bus
Runde, Lindsey JTeutopolisMaster of Science
Thompson, Madison MTeutopolisBachelor of Arts
McLaughlin, Maddy ETinley ParkBachelor of Arts
Warner, Kade BToledoBachelor of Science
Kleiss, Heidi JTolonoBachelor of Science
Scott, Camrin WTolonoBachelor of Arts
Souza, Caitlin RTolonoMaster of Science in Education
Stacy, Rysa DTolonoBachelor of Science in Ed
Skultety, Bailey MTroyBachelor of Science in Ed
Brown, Kari ETuscolaMaster of Science in Education
Poole, Marisa KTuscolaBachelor of Arts
Reifsteck, Kaitlyn RTuscolaBachelor of Science in Bus
VanDeventer, Stephanie LTuscolaBachelor of Science in Ed
Wirick, Kelsey NTuscolaBachelor of Science in Bus


Name City Program
Dixon, Chanel MUniversity ParkMaster of Science in Education
Bargon, Martin DUrbanaBachelor of Arts
Castillo Maldonado, Mitzy JUrbanaBachelor of Arts
Christman, Justin RUrbanaMaster of Business Admin
Ferraro, Bailey NUrbanaMaster of Science
Iman, Muhammad MUrbanaBachelor of Science
Rumbley, Sarah MUrbanaBachelor of Science
Wennerdahl, Carrie LUrbanaMaster of Science


Name City Program
Calderon, Gricelda SVallejoMaster of Arts
Mills, Kaitlyn EVandaliaBachelor of Science in Ed
Chunchu, Srujan VelganoorMaster of Science
Chunchu, Srujan VelganoorCertificate
Tadikonda, Sudharma Teja VijayawadaMaster of Science
Tadikonda, Sudharma Teja VijayawadaCertificate
Sappenfield, Haley DVilla GroveBachelor of Science in Ed
Veluri, Tharun VISAKHAPATNAM RURALCertificate
Veluri, Tharun VISAKHAPATNAM RURALMaster of Science


Name City Program
Keltner, Lauren JWalnut HillBachelor of Fine Arts
Kunuru, Aravind WarangalMaster of Science
Kunuru, Aravind WarangalCertificate
Samala, Srinija warangalMaster of Science
Samala, Srinija warangalCertificate
Vajrala, Dheeraj Reddy Warangal RuralMaster of Science
Vajrala, Dheeraj Reddy Warangal RuralCertificate
Cloyd, Julie CWarrentonBachelor of Arts
Keidl, Brooke LWest BendBachelor of Science in Bus
Hammond, Grace EWest DundeeBachelor of Science in Ed
Faltz, Dan CWest HollywoodMaster of Arts
Clodfelter, Sarah DWest SalemBachelor of Arts
Baird, Keyla AWest UnionBachelor of Arts
Hone, Anna MWest UnionBachelor of Science
Duensing, Cheri KWestvilleMaster of Science in Education
Lange, Hunter MWestvilleBachelor of Science
Stultz, Joie RWestvilleBachelor of Science
Brundage, Caroline WheatonMaster of Science
Ferguson, Eric WheatonMaster of Arts
Emmerich, Madison LWheelerBachelor of Arts
Funk, Kylie MWhite HallBachelor of Science
Garcia, Alize White RockMaster of Science
Drake, Faith LWhitelandBachelor of Science
Wilder, Drew PWilliamsburgBachelor of Arts
Geltz, Kelsi FWillow HillBachelor of Science in Ed
Bezpalko, Victoria CWillow SpringsBachelor of Science
Nichols, Payton CWindsorBachelor of Arts
Avila, Yaczirin Wood DaleBachelor of Science
Jobe, Megan EWood DaleBachelor of Science in Bus
Hunt, Luke DWood RiverBachelor of Science in Bus
Krug, Hsueh-Niang WoodinvilleBachelor of Science
Varys, Haley EWoodstockMaster of Arts


Name City Program
Herman, Grace NXeniaBachelor of Science


Name City Program
Moore, Rebecca AYaleBachelor of Arts
Hyatt, Karla DYuba CityMaster of Arts

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