Help with Hybrid or Blended Courses
Hybrid/Blended teaching moves the role of the faculty towards “guide on side” and the role of the student towards “active learning.” Active learning requires student engagement and responsibility in their learning process and faculty preparation in their course design.
As stated by Garrison and Kanuka (2004), “Blended [hybrid] learning inherently is about rethinking and redesigning the teaching and learning relationship. To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan, it is not enough to deliver old content in a new medium“. 1
The instructor decides the learning environment activity to meet the various student learning styles for acquiring course concepts in a more in-depth approach2,3. Class time is devoted towards collaborative projects and authentic learning activities and to address misunderstandings and/or questions regarding content/projects2,3. Out of class time is focused on reviewing one or more of the following:
- recorded lectures
- readings
- demonstrations
- illustrations
Hybrid/Blended courses require a mix of online and traditional classroom activities where the instructor determines what activities are completed online and in the traditional classroom for students to attain knowledge transfer.2,3
Resources for designing Hybrid-Blended Courses:
What is Blended Learning?
What is Hybrid Learning?
Archived Webinar: Understanding Blended Learning
Why Blended (Learning), Why Now?
10 Questions to Consider
Six Benefits of Hybrid Courses
Hybrid Learning Benefits – Hybrid Learning Challenges
Blended and Online Learning
Blended Learning: Integrating Online and Face-to-Face Courses
Designing and Teaching Hybrid Courses
Blended Learning Toolkit
Interactive Design Guide
Blended Learning Course Integration Templates
Best Practices for Use of Blended Learning (Research: Student Perspective)
Best Practices for Designing Blended Courses
Blended Learning Models and Best Practices from Blended
Hybrid FAQ
Additional References for Hybrid Learning and Teaching
1 Garrison, D. Randy, and Heather Kanuka. “Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education.” The internet and higher education 7.2 (2004): 95-105.
2, 3 Ionas, Ioan, Matthew Easter, William Miller, and Gayla Neumeyer. “Using Open-Source Tools to Design and Develop the Online Component of a Blended-Learning, Instructor-led Course,.” International Journal of Designs for Learning 3.1 (2012): 12-26. Web. 14 Nov. 2012.