The English major with an emphasis in literary and cultural studies offers solid preparation in critical reading, writing, and research for students who love literature, while remaining flexible enough to serve the needs of students with various post-graduation plans, including law school, library school, and graduate school in English.
The emphasis consists of 21 credits, including two courses in literature before 1800, two in literature after 1800, two focused on multicultural and non-Western literatures, and a senior capstone course: Literature, Culture, Theory. In addition, the emphasis recommends the one-credit Career Development course, and students select 12 credits worth of electives in English.
If they wish, students can lend more focus to their literary and cultural studies by selecting courses that emphasize one or more of the themes below:
Featured themes will vary from course to course and semester to semester.
2021-2022 Checklist - Emphasis in Literary and Cultural Studies
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-2428
Fax: (217) 581-7209