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EIU's English Language Arts teacher licensure program has consistently been recognized as among the best programs for preparing English Language Arts teachers, not just in the state of Illinois but nationally. The National Council of Teachers of English lists EIU’s program as an “exemplar program for training Secondary English Teachers.”
The major consists of 55 credits, including two courses in writing, three courses in English Education, five courses in literature and cultural studies, and a senior-level capstone course, Integrating the Language Arts. In addition, the major recommends the one-credit Career Development course, and students select two English electives.
Potential ELA Course Sequences (2015-2016 catalog and later)
Potential ELA Course Sequences with Middle Level Enhancement (2015-2016 catalog and later)
Potential ELA Course Sequences with Departmental Honors (2015-2016 catalog and later)
Potential ELA Course Sequences with Study Abroad (2015-2016 catalog and later)
English Language Arts Program Requirements for Student Teaching
Check out this information on our Traditional Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Program & Accelerated MAT Program. Interested in earning a graduate degree or certificate while becoming a licensed ELA teacher? You can work with the Director of English Education & the Graduate Studies Coordinator to customize a path that applies your graduate coursework to ELA requirements. To discuss this possibility send your transcrips to Dr. Melissa Ames,
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-2428
Fax: (217) 581-7209