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EIU Educator Preparation

Mandated Reporter Training


Because EIU teacher education candidates work directly with minors and are placed in positions of trust during their field work and student teaching placements, completion of Illinois Mandated Reporter Training is required prior to beginning student teaching; the Special Education program requires that it be completed earlier than student teaching.

Mandated Reporter Training is completed through a free, online platform hosted by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services:

Candidates who complete the training are able to download a PDF certificate to verify completion.  Upon completion of training, candidates should print two copies of the certificate, turning one in to the College of Education Dean's Office (1420 Buzzard Hall) and retaining one for their own records.  Special Education majors should print an additional copy and turn it in to the Department of Special Education (1212 Buzzard Hall).

Questions? Contact College of Education Associate Dean Dr. Christy Hooser (

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