Clinical Counseling
A list of available Practicum and Internship sites - updated for 2025-2026.
Click here for more information about Clinical Mental Health Counseling Practicum and Internship.
If you are planning on doing your practicum or internship at a government agency, you will be required to partake in a mandatory training session designed to familiarize you with the Illinois Medicaid Comprehensive Assessment (IM+CANS). Please complete this training before you start at your site. You may reach out to your site in order to get costs covered for training.Training Schedule
Clinical Counseling Forms |
Word |
Supervisee Evaluation of Site |
Supervisee Evaluation of Site Supervisor |
Site Supervisor’s Evaluation of Clinical Practicum Supervisee |
Site Supervisor’s Evaluation of Internship Supervisee |
Internship Supervisor Survey (3rd Semester Internships ONLY) |
Practicum Activity Log -USE forms provided in Practicum class (Purple packets) |
Internship Activity Log - USE color coded card stock FORMS (Blue-Fall, Pink-Spring, Yellow-Summer) - extra forms in wooden carousel outside GA Office Buzzard 2116 |
Release for Videotaping |
Application for Practicum |
Clinical Practicum Agreement |
Application for Internship |
Clinical Internship Agreement |
Group Consent Form |
Clinical Change of Supervisor |
Clinical Additional Supervisor |
A list of available Practicum and Internship sites. - updated 9/12/22
Click here for more information about School Counseling practicum and internship.
School Counseling Forms |
Word |
Supervisee Evaluation of Site |
Supervisee Evaluation of Site Supervisor |
Site Supervisor’s Evaluation of School Practicum Supervisee |
Site Supervisor’s Evaluation of Internship Supervisee |
Internship Supervisor Survey (3rd Semester Internship ONLY) |
Practicum Activity Log -USE forms provided in Practicum class (Purple packets) |
Internship Activity Log - USE color coded card stock FORMS (Blue-Fall, Pink-Spring, Yellow-Summer) - extra forms in wooden carousel outside GA Office Buzzard 2116 |
Release for Videotaping |
Group Consent Form |
Application for Practicum |
School Practicum Agreement |
Application for Internship |
School Internship Agreement |
Individual Consent Form |
School Change of Supervisor |
School Additional Supervisor |
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-2400