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EIU Department of Student Teaching and Clinical Experiences

Consortium For Overseas Student Teaching (COST) 

What Is The Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching?

The Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching (COST) is a collaboration of 15 colleges and universities in the United States that provides opportunities for quality student teaching experiences with supervision in overseas settings; EIU is the only member from Illinois. 

Student teaching overseas offers you the opportunity to not only complete your student teaching requirement but to do so while living in another country. You will gain an international perspective on education and experience a culture different from that of the United States.

Take advantage of this opportunity to teach students in another area of the world and learn from them as they learn from youStudents selected to participate in the COST program will complete 1/2 of their student teaching in an Illinois school and 1/2 in an international placement.

For more information about the program visit the Consortium for Overseas website or contact EIU COST Coordinator Mrs. Tara Standerfer.


  • Must complete an online student teaching application as well as the COST application
  • Must have completed all requirements to Student Teach.
  • Possess a 3.0 GPA or higher.
  • Be in good judicial standing.
  • Apply the academic year BEFORE you plan to student teach.
  • Apply early, space is limited to 10 students per academic year.
  • Special Education majors are not eligible to participate.

To apply to the COST program you must complete the online student teaching application (see information on student teaching home page) as well as the EIU COST Application.  There is no charge to submit your initial application.  Participation in the COST program is competitive with EIU being limited to 10 participants a year.  All applications received by the deadline will be reviewed by the EIU COST Committee and interviews scheduled with all aipplicants.  Upon approval by the EIU COST Committee, successful applicants will then be required to submit a $200 non-refundable fee to COST.

COST Application

Applications for Spring Student Teachers interested in participating in the COST program are due March 31; for Fall student teachers, applications are due November 30.  Interviews will be conducted between the application deadline and the end of the current semester.  Deadlines for the subsequent national COST application will be shared during the interview process.

Where Can I Get More Information?

If you have questions or would like additional information about the COST program please contact

Mrs. Tara Standerfer
EIU COST Coordinator
1420 Buzzard Hall

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Contact Information

Dept. of Student Teaching and Clinical Experiences

1420 Buzzard Hall
Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, IL 61920

Weekday Office Hours

8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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